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Regional solar panel installers: How to find the best companies near you

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The number of solar panel systems installed in the UK this year has surpassed 50,700. Are you ready to switch to solar panels but unsure who will install them for you?

The first and most important thing you should know is it absolutely matters who installs them – this isn’t a DIY job. Your local solar panel installer ought to be someone trustworthy who knows exactly what they’re doing, considering you’ll have invested thousands of pounds in solar at this point. 

Fortunately, there are telltale signs that will help you figure out if a solar panel company or installer has the correct credentials and is well-suited to the job at hand. Our researchers have spent time finding the best regional installers for different areas of the UK. We’ve also outlined what to consider before choosing a solar panel installer.  

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Best regional solar panel installers near you in 2024

To find the best regional solar panel installers, we considered what the most important feature would be for homeowners. Regardless of geographical location, the important factors for deciding which installer to choose are the same.

Your installer must be MCS-accredited. This is the most important factor, as it ensures the installer has the right knowledge to set up the system safely and correctly. It’s also wise to ensure your installer includes some type of warranty for the work they carry out; this way you’re covered if anything goes wrong. Although not crucial, opting for an installer who has been in the business for four or more years should ensure a good level of expertise. This is something we took into consideration when deciding which installers to include in our list.

Solar panel installer MCS-accredited Installer warranty Years in business Regions served
Project Solar Lifetime guarantee 22 years Nationwide
Everyone’s Energy UK 4 years London and the South East
My Home Solar 25 years Southwest England
Home Renewable Scotland 10 years Edinburgh
Solar Installations Wales 15 years Cardiff
Sustainable Energy Engineering 17 years Northeast England
Edan Power 11 years Midlands
Solar Fix Two-year workmanship warranty 20 years Northern Ireland

Best for London and the South East: Everyone’s Energy UK

  • MCS-certified
  • Partnered with Solar Together
  • Quick installations

Everyone’s Energy is a London-based solar installation company that’s dedicated to providing affordable solar systems. The company has recently partnered up with Solar Together, a group buying scheme that allows households to take advantage of competitively priced solar panels and share the costs. 

It prides itself in quick installations, and customers can benefit from its in-house warranty as well as the standard manufacturer guarantee.   

Best for the South West: My Home Solar

  • Price match promise
  • Speedy installation – solar panels within seven days of your order 
  • Reliable products
  • Accredited by MCS and Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC) 

Dorchester-based solar energy company My Home Solar provides solar panel and battery storage installation with full end-to-end services. The installer has a wide range of solar panels from trusted brands such as JA Solar and Q Cells.

My Home Solar is one of the best solar panel installers in the South West, with a price match promise and quick installation. Its team of professionals are well-equipped and can have your solar panels up and running within seven days of your order. 

Best for Scotland: Home Renewables Scotland

  • Insurance-backed Guarantee (IBG) 
  • Vetted and MCS-accredited installers 
  • Consumer advice line  

Home Renewables Scotland is based in Edinburgh, with a dedicated team of solar installers who are knowledgeable about solar PV. The company has more than 20 years of experience installing solar panels in Scotland and installed more than 800 solar PV systems in 2022. Customers benefit from its insurance-backed guarantee on all of its solar panel installations. The company offers a free, no-obligation consultation, keeping the ball firmly in your court.

Best in Wales: Solar Installations Wales

  • MCS-accredited and a member of the RECC
  • Family-run business

Solar Installations Wales is a family-run business with 15 years of experience of providing solar panels in Wales. Its team of installers are MCS, RECC and National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) accredited. The company provides an end-to-end installation process and will also work out how much your solar system could generate in a year and your potential savings on energy bills.  

Best in north England: Sustainable Energy Engineering

  • MCS-accredited and TrustMark registered 
  • Free site survey 

Sustainable Energy Engineering is based in north England and offers a comprehensive solar panel installation service. The family-run business has more than 20 years of experience and is TrustMark registered, which means homeowners who are taking advantage of the UK’s solar incentives can use Sustainable Energy Engineering as their certified installed.

Best in the Midlands: Edan Power

  • MCS-accredited installers
  • Solar panel systems are designed using industry-leading software, ensuring the system is best suited for your home

Edan Power has been installing solar panels in UK homes since 2010. The company provides customers with a free quotation and consultation before installation takes place. Edan Power provides expert advice relating to which size solar panel system suits your home and potential energy bill savings. Its installers are MCS-accredited and the company provides a product warranty.    

Best in Northern Ireland: Solar Fix

  • Two-year workmanship warranty
  • MCS-accredited
  • More than 20 years of experience

The Solar Fix team has more than two decades of experience installing solar panels in Northern Ireland. The company focuses solely on solar PV installation, and its installers come with years of knowledge and experience. 

Solar Fix has installed more than 1,000 systems and designs bespoke systems for its customers, to suit their household’s energy consumption. 

David H icon

Is there anything should people know about the solar installation process? – David Hilton, Solar panels expert

When installing solar panels, it may seem simple, but it is not only an electrical installation. You really need to be sure that the installers have roofing experience, as the integrity of the roof needs to be checked to be sure that it is watertight, as well as robust enough to not only take the extra weight of the solar panels but also the wind lift, as this can very often be overlooked. 


The position of the inverter (and battery) is important, as there will need to be wiring between the roof panels, the inverter and the main distribution board. The wiring installation can be a bit disruptive, so there may need to be some making good. Ask the installer where the wires will be routed and how discrete the installation will be.


If you are fitting a battery, then make sure that the battery has a good discharge rate. Larger capacity batteries usually have higher discharge rates, so you will be able to use a lot more of the stored energy. It is also worth checking whether the battery can be charged by the solar panels as well as off-peak electricity

Benefits of hiring local solar panel installers

Hiring a local company, rather than a national solar panel installer, comes with great benefits. Professional installers usually have years of experience of installing solar panels in homes and will be able to ensure your system is properly set up and maximised to generate solar energy. 

  • Solar panel installers have specific credentials, such as an MCS accreditation, which signifies they know how to properly and safely install solar panels.
  • Having your solar panels installed by a professional means your warranty won’t be invalidated. 
  • If you require repairs or replacements in the future, you’ll be able to contact your installer and most likely will be covered by a warranty. 

How to choose the best local solar panel companies

Switching to solar energy comes with a number of benefits for UK homeowners, the main one being saving money on energy bills. If your solar panels are poorly installed, you won’t reap the full benefits. 

You might be asking: “How do I choose a reputable solar panel installer near me?” This is a question that can be answered by following our simple checklist of what your installer should have. 

Below is a list of the most important factors to consider when choosing the best solar panel installers: 


It’s crucial that your solar panel installer has the right certifications, but what are they? 

If your installer is accredited by, or a member of, one of these organisations or schemes, then you’re on the right track: 

  • The MCS is an organisation that creates and maintains standards relating to low-carbon products, installers and installations. Choosing an MCS-accredited installer will ensure your solar system is installed to the highest standards. It’s also a requirement if you want to connect your system to the National Grid to sell your excess electricity through the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) scheme. 
  • RECC membership means a company has agreed to follow The Office of Fair Trading Code. This consumer code ensures you’re covered before, during and after installation.
  • The Solar Trade Association (STA) is responsible for policies relating to solar panel installers, and lots of the best installers are members. 


It should come as no surprise that your solar panel installer must have some experience, but how much? 

The recommended number of years for your installer to have under their belt is around five years, though this is just a guide, rather than a foolproof figure.

It’s best if the company has already installed the following: 

  • Solar PV systems – more than one, preferably
  • A solar system on a similar roof to yours


The cost of installing solar panels will vary between households and is largely affected by system size and if there are any mitigating circumstances that could drive up costs. When considering solar panel cost, it’s advisable to gather multiple quotes from varying installers and compare them, to ensure you’re getting the best deal. 


Like with most big purchases, solar panel installations usually come with a warranty. Here’s what you should know:

  • Solar panels have a lifespan of around 25 years, so it’s desirable to have your warranty reflect this.
  • Your manufacturer warranty will cover the cost of repairs, replacement and refunds. Your labour warranty covers the cost of installation should anything go wrong.
  • As well as warranty length, check what is excluded from the warranty, to avoid any unsavoury surprises. 

How to find solar panel installers near you

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of what to look for when choosing an installer, where should you look? 

The best way to find a solar panel installer near you is: 

  • Word of mouth: Start with friends, family, and neighbours who have installed solar panels. Personal recommendations can offer insights into the quality of work, customer service, and overall experience with an installer
  • Online search: Use popular search engines to search for phrases like “solar panel installers near me” or “solar installation in [your city/town]”. This will typically provide a list of companies in your area
  • Local directories: Check local business directories or community bulletin boards. Many towns have local business directories that categorise service providers, including solar panel installers
  • Local authorities: Local councils or energy agencies might have lists of approved or recommended solar installers. They may also offer guidance on any local incentives for installing solar panels
  • Trade associations: Check the websites of industry associations, such as the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) or the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) in the UK. These often have directories of affiliated or accredited companies

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Solar panel installation time and cost savings

Solar panel installation can take on average around two days to complete, though the exact timeline will depend on your individual circumstances. 

Factors affecting installation time include:

  • Limited roof access
  • Poor weather conditions
  • Size and complexity of your solar panel system

As previously mentioned, there’s a lot to consider when choosing a solar panel installer. This also highlights why you should never attempt to install solar panels yourself. Not only can it be dangerous, it could also mean your warranty is invalidated. 

Why are DIY solar panels a bad idea?

  • Risk of serious injury
  • Handling live wires with no experience or knowledge
  • Unable to safely connect to the National Grid
  • Won’t be eligible for government schemes or incentives
  • May cause damage to your roof

Though it may seem like DIY solar panels could save you money on installation costs, that is far from true. Installing solar panels yourself risks damaging your home, which may result in repair costs. By not choosing an MCS-accredited installer, you may invalidate your solar panel warranty. Solar systems that are not installed by MCS installers are not eligible for the SEG scheme, which is how homeowners earn money back from their solar panels, by selling surplus renewable energy back to the grid. 

One of the reasons many people consider DIY installations is to try to reduce the initial cost, along with cheap solar panels. However, cheap isn’t always the best way to go, as less expensive panels might not produce enough energy to power your home, and they often have very short warranties. A good installer will be able to help you find the best panels for your home that are within your budget.

By hiring a solar panel installer, you’ll earn money from your solar system via SEG payments, see a reduction in your energy bills, and become less reliant on grid energy. 

Local solar panel installer reviews, recommendations and referrals

As well as following our tips for finding the best regional solar panel installers, there are a few other things you can do to ensure you’re making good decisions. 

  • Read customer reviews from past clients of your local solar panel installers. 
  • Use websites such as Trustpilot and Review Centre. By doing so, you’ll be able to read about other customers’ good and bad first-hand experiences with the company. 
  • Seek recommendations from friends or family who’ve installed solar panels. This can provide reassurance when someone you know personally has used a company and has built a trustworthy relationship with them. 

It’s important to note that, even if a friend or family member has referred you to a certain installer, you must still carry out the necessary checks for credentials and certificates. Remembering to carefully consider their experience, cost and warranty and weighing this up against reviews or referrals is the best way to choose.  

Free quotes and consultations from the best regional solar panel installers

When considering which solar panel installer to choose, it can be helpful to shop around. Compare quotes before making any hasty decisions. 

Compare at least three quotes, and consider cost, experience and credentials. It’s important to never go with the first quote because you’ll never know if it’s a good deal or not. 

Take your time choosing. Don’t be scared by sales tactics. If an installer attempts to lure you into a quick decision by insisting they have a limited-time deal, do not buy into it. There are lots of installers available, and lots of good deals to be had. 

As well as comparing quotes, you should utilise consultations. These should be free. A solar panel consultation can help explain the installation process and gives you a chance to ask any questions you may have. 

Frequently asked questions about regional solar panel installers

The average three-bedroom UK home requires a 4kW solar panel system, and this costs on average £5,500, including the system and labour costs. Installing solar panels can help homeowners achieve lower energy bills and cut their carbon footprint by up to 1 tonne per year per solar panel system. 

Installing solar panels takes around two days, on average. The exact number of days it takes to install will vary between households, and system size will also affect the process. If your roof is inaccessible in any way, this could also add time to the solar panel installation time.

Yes, there are solar panel grants and incentives available in the UK. The ECO4 scheme helps homeowners who are already entitled to benefits, while the zero VAT scheme has completely cut VAT on all solar products. The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) obliges large energy companies to pay homeowners who export surplus solar energy back to the national grid system.

It’s best to begin by asking for their credentials, including if they are MCS-accredited. It’s advantageous for a solar panel installer to have a number of years of experience, which you can ask about. You might also wish to ask about the installation process itself and how long roughly the installer thinks it will take. Cost is also something you’ll want to ask at the beginning of the process; the installer should be able to provide you with a free quote.

Solar panels calculator

See how much it would cost to get solar panels installed on your home.

How many bedrooms does your home have?
Where do you live?
Number of panels needed
Cost of system
Annual savings
Weekly savings
Daily savings
You'll break even after
0 years

The data used to power this calculator is sourced from various solar companies and industry bodies, including the UK government, the Energy Saving Trust and Ofgem. Please note that costs are estimated and based on a UK average, and should not be taken as the exact price you would pay. If you’d like to get an accurate quote for solar panels, then you can use this form to get an estimate from one of our trusted partners.

Rachel Sadler new profile April 2024

Rachel Sadler

Home Tech Writer

Rachel is a seasoned writer who has been producing online and print content for seven years. 

As a home tech expert for Independent Advisor, Rachel researches and writes buying guides and reviews, helping consumers navigate the realms of broadband and home security gadgets. She also covers home tech for The Federation of Master Builders, where she reviews and tests home security devices. 

She started as a news and lifestyle journalist in Hong Kong reporting on island-wide news stories, food and drink and the city’s events. She’s written for editorial platforms Sassy Hong Kong, Localiiz and Bay Media. While in Hong Kong she attended PR events, interviewed local talent and project-managed photoshoots. 

Rachel holds a BA in English Language and Creative Writing and is committed to simplifying tech jargon and producing unbiased reviews.