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The most important new year relationship resolution you’ll ever make

…if, like Franki Cookney, you won’t put up with being ‘breadcrumbed’ or ‘benched’ by your date, then there’s one thing you should do in 2024: communicate

Monday 11 December 2023 14:14 GMT
Why not just be upfront about what we want?
Why not just be upfront about what we want? (Getty)

A few years ago I met a man. He slid into my DMs one day and we got chatting. After a while, I suggested we go for a drink. I was enjoying flirting and the logical thing to do, I thought, was to meet up in person. So I was baffled when, while not exactly turning me down, he just sort of… ignored the question.

This went on for several months. He would text me, I would reply, and at some point, I’d say “Shall we get that drink then?” He’d express interest but trying to make a plan was like pulling teeth. In the end, I’d let it go, assuming I’d read the room wrong. A few days would pass and then he’d be back with another question, “How was your weekend?” “What do you think of this article?” “Have you seen Russian Doll?” (it was 2019, okay?!)

Gen Z probably has a term for this kind of behaviour. Breadcrumbing, maybe. Benching, perhaps. But those terms only really make sense in the context of monogamy. When your relationship goal is to meet and “cuff” one person for a romantic and sexual relationship, any behaviour which skirts around the edges of this is going to be met with suspicion.

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