In Focus

Meet the 66-year old ‘ruthless’ grandmother plotting Trump’s Super Tuesday success

On one hand, Susie Wiles is the generous neighbour who brings you casseroles and sends you flowers when you’re in hospital. On the other, she’s a ruthless political operator who is masterminding the plan to get the former president back to the White House. Alex Hannaford finds out more…

Tuesday 05 March 2024 11:00 GMT
Could the cake-baking strategist help usher in the next Trumpian era?
Could the cake-baking strategist help usher in the next Trumpian era? (Reuters)

On her Twitter/X profile, she wears a blouse and cardigan, drop earrings, and a gold necklace, her grey hair perfectly set. But Susie Wiles’ “Golden Girl”, grandmotherly image belies the role that currently consumes her. Wiles is one of the most powerful players in Republican politics, running Donald Trump’s campaign for re-election. A ruthless political operator, her focus is on absolute victory.

The Hill political newspaper called her “the most powerful Republican you don’t know”; The New York Times described her as “perhaps the most significant voice inside Mr Trump’s third presidential campaign”.

Some say if he manages to beat Joe Biden to the presidency in November, he’ll have Wiles to thank. But who is she, and what makes this cake-baking, bird-watching 66-year-old grandmother tick?

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