Children will testify against father in first Jan 6 jury trial

Case will set precent for prosecutors and defendants from 6 January

Gino Spocchia
Monday 28 February 2022 18:32 GMT
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Two children of a Texas man will be among the first to testify against an accused Capitol rioter when his trial gets underway.

Guy Reffitt, an oil industry worker from Wylie, Texas, appeared in court on Monday for the beginning of his trial – and what will be the first Capitol riot case in front of a jury.

His wife and two children – who were both teenagers at the time of the US Capitol attack – have been asked to testify, with the trio cooperating with investigators.

The alleged member of the Texas Three Percenters – a far-right militia – faces charges for threatening his own children for their cooperation with investigators as well as for carrying a firearm when Congress was assaulted.

His son, who was aged 18 at the time, and daughter, who was aged 16, will be among those who testify once the trial gets going following jury selection.

As will his wife, who reportedly told investigators her husband was a member of the Three Percenters.

Another alleged member of the militia will testify during the trial against Mr Reffitt after reaching an agreement for immunity with prosecutors, The New York Times reported.

Prosecutors will also use videos, geolocation data and images in their case.

Guy Reffitt as seen in a video on 6 January 2021
Guy Reffitt as seen in a video on 6 January 2021 (FBI)

His son told the Times last year that his father said: “You’re a traitor. And you know what happens to traitors. Traitors get shot.” Mr Reffitt also allegedly threatened to “put a bullet through” his daughter’s cellphone if she put anything on social media about him, the criminal complaint said.

Prosecutors have said Mr Reffitt traveled to Washington DC with an AR-15 rifle and a Smith & Wesson, a 40 caliber handgun, before engaging with police on the steps of the Capitol building.

Guy Reffitt on 6 January 2021
Guy Reffitt on 6 January 2021 (FBI)

While he did not storm the building, prosecutors have said he charged at police who “unsuccessfully tried to repel him”with pepper spray.

So far, some 200 accused Capitol rioters have pleaded guilty to rioting and the trial involving Mr Reffitt is expected to set a precedent for future jury trials stemming from the deadly assault on Congress, during which five people were killed while a mob threatened to overturn the result of the 2020 US election.

Additional reporting by Reuters.

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