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Dating advice: Recession? What recession?

Amy Loudon
Tuesday 17 May 2011 10:19 BST

Over the last few years all we’ve heard is economic crisis, recession, negative growth, budget cuts and, well, you get the picture.

Everyone has been forced to tighten their pursestrings and become more savvy with their cash. Meals out have been replaced by cooking at home, trips to the cinema and nights out bowling ousted for nights in with a DVD or the Wii, and that morning coffee on the way to work has been upstaged by a more modest instant brew in a thermos flask.

As a lot of everyday social activities and unnecessary expenditures become a thing of the past and are viewed as more of a luxury, many industries have been hit hard. However, one industry is still thriving and with more singles than ever logging on to find love, online dating has proved it is recession proof.

So why has the online dating industry excelled while others have been finding it hard to stay above water?

According to the LoveGeist report, 96 per cent of singles claim to be searching for a partner who makes them feel secure emotionally rather than financially. Singles are seeking the comfort of a loving relationship to counteract the pressures placed on them as a result of the tough economic climate. Psychologist Dr. Cecilia d’Felice, expert in all aspects of emotional wellbeing and relationships, explains in The LoveGeist report:

“[In times of anxiety] we know that people will tend to cling together more and that they will perhaps start to value the things that are not so materially obvious. One of the most important values is that of relating and relationship… There’s nothing more empowering than knowing someone’s watching your back.”

The collective threats of financial and therefore emotional insecurity have resulted in a change of attitude. Now that we have to consider exactly where every penny is going, and in many cases make a lot of cut backs, it has become apparent that we receive most rewards from the relationships in our lives. Therefore immaterial values are being replaced with more wholesome ones.

According to Oxford University, 30 per cent of people have tried online dating and a whopping 15 per cent have met their current partner online, which just goes to show that in times of financial hardship, people are still happy to invest in love.

It may be money that makes the world go round but here at Independent Singles we’ve think that love is just as much of a driving force. So whatever you're looking for, find it with Independent Singles and start something amazing today.

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