History-maker Giorgia Meloni becomes Italy’s first female PM

Far right figure Meloni has accepted a mandate to form a new government

David Harding
Friday 21 October 2022 19:08 BST
Is neo-fascism on the rise with Giorgia Meloni in Italy’s election?

Giorgia Meloni has agreed to form Italy’s next government, a presidential official said on Friday, clearing the way for her to become the country’s first woman prime minister.

Meloni, head of the nationalist Brothers of Italy, led an alliance of conservative parties to victory at the 25 September election and will take charge of the country’s most right wing government since the Second World War.

“Giorgia Meloni has accepted the mandate and has presented her list of ministers,” the presidential official Ugo Zampetti told reporters after Ms Meloni and her coalition partners had consulted with President Sergio Mattarella in his Quirinal palace.

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