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Mamas & Papas 3-in-1 booster seat is the hands-free hero that’s perfect for portable playtime

The bug will also keep your baby safe and secure while you complete daily chores

Rebecca Moore
Friday 11 February 2022 15:39 GMT
Our eight-month-old tester tried out the bug for a whole week
Our eight-month-old tester tried out the bug for a whole week (iStock/The Independent)

Once the newborn bubble has burst, and parents are desperate to carry out daily duties without their baby clung to them like a limpet, you wonder whether there’s a product out there that really gives you back some time, or your hands at the very least. This way, life’s glamorous tasks such as loading the dishwasher and showering for longer than 20 seconds, can be somewhat resumed.

Let us introduce Mamas & Papas latest creation… bug. The brand new three-in-one seat that grows with your little one.

We know that multi-functional products can be a bit hit and miss. They tend to do one thing really well, and the other, erm, not so well. But when you’re a parent, and your house is full to the nines with baby clobber, you really are desperate for any clever products that can double up.

At £75, we were hoping that the Bug wasn’t just a parenting gimmick. But after a week of testing, what did we – with the help of our eight-month-old tester – have to say?

How we tested

We used the bug in the home and out and about for a period of seven days, with our eight-month-old tester. As a safety disclaimer, unless used on a chair in feeding mode, the Bug should only ever be used on the floor.

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Mamas & Papas bug 3-in-1 floor and booster seat with activity tray, £75,

(Mamas & Papas)
  • Age Suitability: 3 months - 3 years
  • Product Dimensions: 31cm x 33.8cm x 36.5cm (including play tray)
  • Weight: 3.16kg (including play tray)
  • Product Pricing: £75
  • Rating: 8/10


Practicality is in bug’s nature. And you know you’re off to a strong start when you don’t need to read a chunky manual or frantically start googling for a user guide. The unboxing and initial assembly was a doddle, and we had it set up and ready for action in less than 10 minutes.

From the get-go this felt like an intuitive product; the tray instinctively clips in and is removed again by a naturally positioned pull-tab underneath, meanwhile the play tray simply sits on top using two suction tabs to keep it in place. There’s even orange indicated rubber “pull tabs” so that the play tray can be removed. You’ll need to push in the sensory toys, which is easily achieved if you haven’t an inquisitive young “helper” nearby.

The harness straps are easy to adjust, and clipping your offspring in can be done one side at a time – useful when you have a fidgety one. A point scorer for us has to be the useful handle at the back of the seat unit, which can easily be lifted and moved about using one hand, leaving the other hand free to carry your baby.

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Another arrow to its bow is that it can also be used when weaning kicks in, as the bug can be strapped to a dining chair and pulled to the table. To allow for maximum table closeness, you can adjust the height of the seat by flipping out the hidden rubberised legs if required, which is straightforward to do.

However, the first attempt of attaching to the chair was a little fiddly. The straps need to be pulled through and you’ll need to adjust them to your chair’s dimensions. The process is reminiscent of adjusting bra straps, once you’ve got the correct fit, you’re sorted.

The straps are cleverly and safely stored away when not in use, meaning when you go to use it again, as long as you’re using the same chair, it’s ready for action. The bug feels sturdy when in this position and our youngest diner seems more than happy sitting up high.

(Mamas & Papas)

We also found it great for snacking on the floor with the tray attached, as the crumbs were rescued by the bug and our tester was perfectly comfy while munching. It’s also worth noting that the tray has two positions, depending on the size of the baby.

From the brand’s point of view, the longevity of this product is the selling feature for most parents; with big claims it’ll see your baby from three months to three years thanks to its adaptable features. We started the testing with our young helper aged eight months, which to us felt appropriate and he genuinely loves being in it.

It does come with a supportive padded insert with a crotch post, so in theory, a younger and floppier baby is well catered for (suggested for use from three months). We’d suggest that once your baby is old enough to hold their head up, or is perhaps at the weaning stage, then you’ll get plenty of use out of the bug.

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As for a toddler, you need to remove the padded insert to allow room to house a bigger child, and you may also want to do this to give it a full cleaning service. This wasn’t such a doddle, in fact, it was rather tricky.

You’ll need to push the two clips hidden by the straps on either side, and pull the seat unit up. This requires two people, a bit of patience and some brute force – not conducive for a sleep-deprived parent. Or perhaps you just need to possess the knack. For that reason, we have been wiping with a damp cloth which is more than sufficient to keep the bug clean, and it won’t chip any nails in the process.


The design of the bug is nothing short of genius. Firstly, the colours are parent-friendly. Available in eucalyptus, pebble grey, bluebell and blossom, while we certainly favoured the green and grey colours which both complement a neutral colour scheme, the pastel hues are easy on the eyes.

In fact, a parent’s home has certainly been considered in all aspects, even down to the play tray – the colours are eye-catching for developing young eyes yet not garish or colour clashing to cause offense to the adults that also look its way.

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It’s fairly easy on the ears too, there’s a rattling toy, and some flaps to play with but no squeaks or annoying jingles. To be honest, when our little tester’s playing it all we hear is lots of concentrating gurgles and giggles as he works his way through the eight interactive sensory toys perfectly sized for little hands. He’s also enjoyed giving them all a chew, and loves nothing more than looking at himself in the mirror.

The innovation really comes into play with the twist-out feet as it keeps the unit slimline (within reason), and we also love the aforementioned carry handle, again keeping it compact. It’s also the little things, such as the straps to attach to a chair, when these aren’t in use they’re neatly stored away on the side which just keeps it tidy.


Life is on the go as a parent so portability is paramount, and the bug has this in bucket loads. It won’t take up much space in the boot of the car, and is also a doddle to move about the house. Ultimately, it saves packing a highchair when visiting friends or family which is reassuring and convenient.

Safety and comfort

Thanks to the twist-out feet and crotch post, we have no concerns about our little one’s safety when he’s playing away on the floor. Plus, for those with a wooden or smooth floor the rubber pads at the feet give added reassurance.

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He’s secure, supported and the harness ensures that he’s not going anywhere – but to be quite honest, he doesn’t want to be out of it when it’s in “play mode”. The bug has given us huge peace of mind that we know he’s safe and happy when hanging out in his seat.

The verdict: Bug 3-in-1 floor and booster seat

The bug has been the helping hand we’ve been looking for, meaning showers can be achieved, countless babygrows can be tidied away and we can genuinely carry out short daily tasks again. For that in itself, it’s worth the £75 price tag.

Do we think we’ll be using it with a toddler? No, probably not. But we’ll certainly be keeping the bug close by for the next six months to keep our baby occupied, smiley and content.

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