Harvey Weinstein taken to hospital ‘with chest pains’ after rape conviction

Disgraced film producer being checked for heart palpitations and high blood pressure, attorney says

Samuel Osborne
Tuesday 25 February 2020 10:23 GMT
Harvey Weinstein lawyer clashes with Gloria Allred outside court for trying to 'silence her'

Harvey Weinstein has been admitted to hospital reportedly because he felt chest pains after being convicted of rape and sexual assault.

The former film producer was found guilty of forcefully performing oral sex on Mimi Haleyi, a former production assistant, in 2006 and of raping an aspiring actoress in 2013.

The 67-year-old was being transferred to the Rikers Island jail in an ambulance which was diverted to Bellevue Hospital in New York after he complained of chest pains, Variety reported.

Weinstein was diverted to be checked out for heart palpitations and high blood pressure, his attorney, Donna Rotunno, said during an apperance on Fox News. “He’s OK,” she added.

After the verdict, Arthur Aidala, Weinstein’s lawyer, quoted him as saying: ”I’m innocent. I’m innocent. How can this happen in America?”

Sentencing for the disgraced Hollywood producer was set for 11 March. Mr Aidala has vowed to appeal.

“Today is a powerful day & a huge step forward in our collective healing,” Rose McGowan, an actress who had accused Weinstein of rape, tweeted.

A statement for the #MeToo movement said: “The jury worked with an incredibly narrow and unjust set of laws governing sexual assault, and though he was not convicted on all counts, Harvey Weinstein will have to answer for his crimes.”

Ashley Judd, who accused Weinstein of damaging her career by spreading lies about her after she rejected his advances, tweeted: ”For the women who testified in this case, and walked through traumatic hell, you did a public service to girls and women everywhere, thank you.”

An ambulance carrying Harvey Weinstein is escorted from a courthouse in Manhattan, New York
An ambulance carrying Harvey Weinstein is escorted from a courthouse in Manhattan, New York (AP/Mary Altaffer)

Weinstein faces up to 25 years in prison for the sexual assault conviction. He was also convicted of third-degree rape, which carries a prison sentence of up to four years.

The jury of seven men and five women acquitted him more serious counts of predatory sexual assault and first-degree rape.

Weinstein also faces sexual assault charges in California and dozens of women have filed civil lawsuits against him.

Additional reporting by agencies

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