‘Thank god Princess is OK’: Peter Andre reveals house was struck by lightning while daughter was inside

‘The loudest thing I’ve ever heard,’ singer said

Laura Hampson
Monday 24 October 2022 08:15 BST
Peter Andre reveals his house was struck by lightning

Peter Andre has revealed his home was struck by lightning overnight, which caused bricks to fall from the roof.

The 49-year-old said the incident occured on Sunday (23 October), during a thunderstorm, and that he was thankful his daughter, Princess Andre, 15, was OK.

“Our house just got struck by lightning,” Andre wrote on Instagram. “The loudest thing I’ve ever heard. Alarms going off. This is mad.

“Thank god Princess is OK. Although [I] don’t know what was louder, her scream or the roof.”

Andre posted a video of the aftermath, which showed a crack along his chimney and brick debris on the ground.

The singer can be heard in the video saying: “Alright the house has been struck by lightning. Flipping heck. Holy heck,” as thunder rumbles in the background and an alarm goes off.

The incident occured after the Met Office issued amber warnings for parts of South England on Sunday, saying that heavy rains and flash storms were expected.

The warning was extended until 5am Monday morning (24 October), with the Met Office adding: “There is a small chance that homes and businesses could be flooded quickly, with damage to some buildings from floodwater, lightning strikes, hail or strong winds.”

Andre’s wife Emily was not home at the time of the thunderstorm, and commented on his Instagram post: “I’m just so glad you are all ok. Typical the one week I am away this happens.”

Earlier this year Andre revealed that he still straightens his curly hair after suffering racist bullying as a child.

“In the early years in Australia, I suffered a lot of racism. It was a rough time,” he told The Mirror in July.

“Not only were we the only Greeks on the Gold Coast, but I had an English accent, curly hair, a big nose – and we really stood out.

“I still straighten my hair because the curly hair reminds me of me being that little kid and those kids calling me what they did at school.”

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