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Sunak needs to learn our children’s education is best left to professionals

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Thursday 16 May 2024 18:08 BST
Teachers know best how to educate children and at what age they can process certain information
Teachers know best how to educate children and at what age they can process certain information (PA Wire)

It is becoming all too clear, to me at least, that education appears to be best understood by those who actually teach. Yet poor old teachers are being usurped by the government, children’s charities and lobbyists all the time.

Gillian Keegan, secretary of state for education, must be inundated with advice and guidance on how to educate children from all and sundry. But is she listening to the people that really matter: teachers?

I know, from 30 years of experience, that all levels of teaching staff are professional, focused and want their charges to achieve their dreams.

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