The Independent Debate

Is price the biggest hurdle to owning an electric car? Join the Independent Debate

An Independent exclusive has revealed electric cars will cost drivers £6,000 more if Sunak fails to strike a Brexit deal with the EU - but is cost the main factor holding average motorists back on switching from petrol and diesel vehicles?

Thursday 02 November 2023 14:56 GMT

UK car manufacturers have warned of a “devastating” rise to the cost of electric cars if Rishi Sunak fails to strike a post-Brexit deal with the EU on tariffs.

Industry bosses told The Independent the costly new rules, set to come in by January 2024, will threaten both the electric vehicle (EV) market and the UK’s climate change commitments and will cost British motorists an extra £6,000.

In the latest major Brexit row, the Sunak government is pushing the European Commission to agree to delay the costly new rules set to come in at the start of next year as part of Boris Johnson’s Brexit trade deal. Despite this, Brussels has shown no sign it is willing to budge.

We want to know whether you think the potential post-Brexit price rise will impact rising EV ownership?

Is cost the main factor holding drivers back from adopting a greener commute? Or are other considerations like the ban on new petrol and diesel vehicles, charging access and range equally important?

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