Ship of hope: Windrush in pictures

75 years ago today, on 22 June, 1948, 492 Jamaicans disembarked from the Empire Windrush at Tilbury Docks. These indelible images capture their excitement, curiousity and joy as they stepped into an unknown new life in Britain

Thursday 22 June 2023 09:16 BST
Empire Windrush arrives packed with West Indian immigrants at Tilbury Docks on the River Thames in Essex on 22 June 1948
Empire Windrush arrives packed with West Indian immigrants at Tilbury Docks on the River Thames in Essex on 22 June 1948 (Alamy)
Passengers reading a newspaper whilst waiting to disembark from the ‘Empire Windrush’, having sailed from Jamaica (SSPL/Getty)

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