Will the Tories get any post-Budget bounce? Early opinion polls suggest not

Even Tees Valley mayor Ben Houchen appears to be heading for defeat if the surveys are to be believed, but time – and money – might change voter sentiment, says John Rentoul

Saturday 09 March 2024 08:06 GMT
Tees Valley mayor Ben Houchen is predicted to lose, according to a new opinion poll
Tees Valley mayor Ben Houchen is predicted to lose, according to a new opinion poll (PA)

Three new national opinion polls published on Friday include some survey work carried out after the Budget, and all three show Labour leads of more than 20 percentage points.

But even if the Budget did affect public opinion, it would be too early to say what the effect was. YouGov and Techne started their interviews on Wednesday, and so most of them would have been conducted before the Budget headlines landed. People Polling did all its interviews on Thursday, so was more likely to capture any Budget effect. But as one pollster told me the other day, “almost nothing changes public opinion”, and the news stories that so interest the Westminster bubble rarely scratch the surface of the public’s consciousness.

What are the polling numbers?

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