Rings exclusive: Watch Samara crash a plane in the first two minutes of the film

Because 2016 Samara is extreme to the core - and will definitely not be messed with

Clarisse Loughrey
Tuesday 31 January 2017 17:38 GMT
Rings - clip

2017 has dealt with The Ring franchise the only way 2017 knew how - by amping everything up to about 110%.

Rings is a perfectly suitable title for this third installment in the franchise, sure, but this really should have been called Ring: Xtreme Edition; as your favourite stringy-haired ghost girl, Samara, jacks up her supernatural powers to a brand new level, as the first two minutes of the film will gladly attest to.

Turns out, one man has made the disastrous decision to board a tin can 40,000 feet in the sky after encountering the fabled cursed videotape, which dooms anyone who watches it to a morbid death at Samara's hands precisely seven days later. Not accepting any obstacles, Samara will gladly cause as much chaos and mayhem as it takes to get her brutal revenge.

The film stars Matilda Lutz as a young woman whose boyfriend becomes disturbingly obsessed with the subculture that's sprung up around the killer videotape in question. She sacrifices herself so that she can save her boyfriend, but in doing so makes a horrific discovery: there is a "movie within the movie" that no one has ever seen before. Cue ghost shenanigans.

Rings also stars Alex Roe, Johnny Galecki, Aimee Teegarden, Bonnie Morgan and Vincent D’Onofrio.

Rings - Trailer 2

Rings hit UK cinemas 3 February 2017.

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