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With George Galloway’s victory in Rochdale, UK politics has never been in a more dangerous state

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Friday 01 March 2024 17:31 GMT
The people of Tower Hamlets and Bradford saw through George Galloway and sent him packing – so will the people of Rochdale
The people of Tower Hamlets and Bradford saw through George Galloway and sent him packing – so will the people of Rochdale (Getty Images)

George Galloway has won the Rochdale by-election with a campaign based on one issue, thousands of miles away, due to the incompetence of Keir Starmer.

Sadly, the only people losing out are the British citizens of Rochdale, who wanted to vote only for the best interests of the town they live. This kind of election will undoubtedly be replicated elsewhere later this year.

Thanks to the two useless main parties, UK politics has never been in a more dangerous state.

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