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We’d do well to listen to the King at this time of year

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Friday 29 March 2024 17:47 GMT
King Charles has delivered a personal Easter message
King Charles has delivered a personal Easter message (The Royal Family)

In his Maundy message to the nation, the King reminded us to follow Jesus in caring for each other. Unfortunately, many do not know the example of Jesus. Many people know the example of Jesus and choose to ignore it.

Either way, this nation loses out because too many people do not follow Jesus and do not live lives in line with biblical teaching. The King reminded us we are blessed by all the different services that exist for our welfare, but over and above these organisations – many of which were set up by the Christian Church and their selfless staff – we need and benefit greatly from those who extend the hand of friendship to us, especially in a time of need.

This time of Easter reminds us of the love that God has for all people and the extent to which he went to help us with our problems. We all fail from time to time, but the Bible teaches the benefit of Easter, and that there is scope for forgiveness and a new start even if we do fail. All would do well to listen to the advice from the King.

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