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How to convince the steak-lover in your life to go vegan

Ignore the shrill meat-free devotees, says Borzou Daragahi. Veganism isn’t a controversial lifestyle choice – it should just be the norm

Sunday 27 August 2023 12:40 BST
Different people go vegan for different reasons
Different people go vegan for different reasons (Getty Images)

Your university-aged cousin or niece may be addicted to falafel sandwiches. But your meat-loving uncle and aunt are still a long way from giving up steak for shiitake, or replacing the chicken in their vindaloo with bean curd. Indeed, evidence suggests that the growth rates for vegan eating habits have slowed recently, and that enthusiasm for plant-based diets may be waning after it peaked several years ago.

That is bad news for the planet, which is already unable to bear the meat-eating habits of billions of people. To become more popular, veganism may have to rebrand itself.

Despite the increasing mainstream embrace of plant-based eating, the stereotype of the shrill vegan screaming “meat is murder” persists. Advocates must never be pushy or judgmental. Demonising meat eaters will only alienate omnivores – like myself – who are curious and open to veganism but still love omelettes, yoghurt and the occasional chicken vindaloo. Maybe we should stop calling it “vegan” and just call it good food. Indeed, the best way to promote plant-based eating is to make sure the meals are absolutely delicious.

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