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Hollywood strikes are the result of our addiction to streaming TV

As big name actors join writers on the picket lines, David Arditi asks whether we’ve reached a film and TV tipping point – and unpicks what might be on the other side

Friday 14 July 2023 14:55 BST
AI is the major sticking point for both actors and writers
AI is the major sticking point for both actors and writers (AP)

As the television writers’ strike has dragged into its third month, actors are now joining them on the picket lines. Streaming culture was supposed to bring us unlimited access to TV and film content, but it has trapped many actors in a position of insecurity.

As television has passed through its “golden age”, I think streaming culture fundamentally changed the way television production works. A change that I think has made television better.

I’ve never been a fan of formulaic sitcoms and police dramas, but I am a huge fan of streaming television. My wife and I spend our evenings bingeing television on various platforms from heartfelt Ted Lasso to the more disturbing Squid Game. While the content has improved, the basic structures of TV have changed as well.

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