AP News Digest 6 p.m.

Via AP news wire
Thursday 24 June 2021 23:06 BST
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APTOPIX Building Collapse Miami

Here are the AP’s latest coverage plans, top stories and promotable content. All times EDT. For up-to-the minute information on AP’s coverage, visit Coverage Plan at https://newsroom.ap.org.




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THE OTHER EPIDEMIC-ST. LOUIS — Overdose deaths among Black Americans surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. In St. Louis, deaths among Black people increased last year at three times the rate of whites, skyrocketing more than 33%. Dr. Kanika Turner describes the soaring death rate as a civil rights issue as pressing as any other. By Claire Galofaro. SENT: 3,180 words, photos, video, 980-word abridged version.




CONGRESS-INFRASTRUCTURE — President Joe Biden announced a hard-earned bipartisan agreement on a pared-down infrastructure plan that would make a start on his top legislative priority and validate his efforts to reach across the political aisle. He openly acknowledged that Democrats will likely have to tackle much of the rest on their own. By Jonathan Lemire, Josh Boak and Lisa Mascaro. SENT: 1,150 words, photos, video. With CONGRESS-INFRASTRUCTURE-GLANCE — A snapshot of the bipartisan infrastructure agreement. SENT: 540 words, photos.

BUILDING-COLLAPSE-MIAMI — A wing of a 12-story beachfront condo building collapsed with a roar in a town outside Miami, killing at least one person and trapping residents in rubble and twisted metal. Rescuers pulled dozens of survivors from the tower during the morning and continued to look for more. By late afternoon, more than 100 people were still unaccounted for, authorities said, raising fears that the death toll could climb sharply. By Wilfredo Lee, Terry Spencer and David Fischer. SENT: 1,045 words, photos, video. WITH: BUILDING-COLLAPSE-MIAMI-RESCUE — ‘A gaping hole of rubble:’ Thankful survivor recounts rescue. SENT: 185 words, photos. WITH: BUILDING-COLLAPSE-CONDO-SITTER —Soccer game kept woman away from condo wing that collapsed. SENT: 130 words, photo.

VIRUS-OUTBREAK — Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the United States now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the vaccines have been and an indication that daily deaths — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the shots. New data suggests that fewer than 1% of U.S. deaths from COVID-19 in May were in people who were fully vaccinated. By Carla K. Johnson and Mike Stobbe. SENT: 885 words, photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-BIDEN — Standing in the State Dining Room on May 4, President Joe Biden laid out a lofty goal to vaccinate 70% of American adults by Independence Day, saying the U.S. would need to overcome “doubters” and laziness to do it. He’ll miss that deadline, and here’s why. By Zeke Miller. SENT: 1,290 words. UPCOMING: Will be updated with late-afternoon Biden vaccine event in North Carolina, 1,190 words by 7 p.m., photos, video.

EVICTIONS MORATORIUM — The Biden administration extended the nationwide ban on evictions for a month to help millions of tenants unable to make rent payments during the coronavirus pandemic, but said this is the last time it plans to do so. By Ashraf Khalil and Michael Casey. SENT: 1,115 words, photo.

GIULIANI-LAW-LICENSE-SUSPENDED — An appeals court suspended Rudy Giuliani from practicing law in New York because he made false statements while trying to get courts to overturn Donald Trump’s loss in the presidential race. An attorney disciplinary committee said in its motion to suspend Giuliani’s license that there was “uncontroverted evidence” that Giuliani had made false statements to the courts, the public and lawmakers as he pushed theories that the election was stolen through fraud. SENT: 580 words, photos.




YOGI-BERRA-STAMP — This makes cents: Yogi Berra gets a stamp named in his honor. SENT: 230 words, photo.

GENDER-ID-NEW YORK — New York to add ‘X’ gender mark on government IDs. SENT; 280 words.

BUZZFEED-GOING-PUBLIC — BuzzFeed will become a publicly traded company with an implied value of $1.5 billion through a merger with a special purpose acquisition company. SENT: 385 words, photos.

MICROSOFT-WINDOWS — Microsoft has unveiled the next generation of its Windows software, called Windows 11, that has a new Start Menu and other features. SENT: 345 words, photo.

COWS ESCAPE SLAUGHTERHOUSE — Songwriter Diane Warren has stepped in to save a cow that eluded capture for more than a day after a herd escaped from a Southern California slaughterhouse and stampeded through a suburb. SENT: 420 words.




VIRUS-OUTBREAK-BRAZIL-PANDEMIC-POOR — Brazil saw its highest unemployment and economic inequality in at least nine years in the first quarter of this year. That has left governments, companies and nonprofits scrambling to help the poor endure the year, with welfare, gas subsidies, food donations, cellphone chips, solar panels. Anything to get through 2021 as the pandemic continues raging. It’s a display of Brazil’s knack for improvising solutions in the face of adversity – but also shows how many people are barely hanging on, with catastrophe just a few unpaid bills away. SENT: 1,075 words, photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-BRITAIN — Britain says it intends to relax travel restrictions by allowing people who are fully vaccinated to visit a wide range of countries without having to self-isolate on their return. The Department for Transport said it expects to implement the new policy in phases later this summer. SENT: 300 words, photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-AFRICA-NEW-SURGE — Africa is facing a devastating resurgence of COVID-19 infections whose peak will surpass that of earlier waves as the continent’s countries struggle to vaccinate even a small percentage of the population, top health officials said. SENT: 485 words, photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-EUROPE-TRAVEL — Europe is slowly is opening up to travel again, with people and travel companies alike eager to jumpstart the process. In 2019, before the pandemic, tourism and related activities accounted for 10% of the EU’s GDP. That means the return of international travel is key to economic recovery, particularly for countries like Greece and Italy that rely more heavily on it. SENT: 825 words, photos.

VIRUS-OUTBREAK-AUSTRALIA — Sydney is going through one the “scariest” times of the pandemic as a cluster of the highly contagious delta variant infects more people, an Australian state leader says. SENT: 410 words, photos.

EURO 2020-DENMARK-VIRUS — Danish health officials say at least seven people have tested positive for the coronavirus after attending European Championship soccer games in Copenhagen. SENT: 680 words, photo.

VIRUS-OUTBREAK-VIRAL-QUESTIONS-DELTA-VARIANT — The delta variant of the coronavirus has been found in more than 80 countries since it was first detected in India and is responsible for 20% of infections in the U.S. SENT: 290 words, graphic.




UNITED STATES-AFGHANISTAN-TROOPS — Roughly 650 U.S. troops are expected to remain in Afghanistan to provide security for diplomats after the main American military force completes its withdrawal, which is set to be largely done in the next two weeks, U.S. officials told The Associated Press. SENT: 860 words, photos.

BIDEN-AFGHANISTAN — President Joe Biden vowed that Afghans who helped the U.S. military “are not going to be left behind” as his administration stepped up planning to evacuate thousands of Afghan interpreters while their applications for U.S. entry are processed. SENT: 925 words, photos.

CONGRESS-POLICING BILL — Congressional bargainers are likely to miss their deadline for completing a bipartisan deal on overhauling police practices, 13 months after George Floyd’s killing and with the shadow of next year’s elections lengthening over lawmakers’ work. Despite a “June or bust” goal set by the chief GOP negotiator, the Senate was expected to leave town for a two-week recess after Thursday’s session without a final compromise. SENT: 760 words, photos.

CAPITOL BREACH-INVESTIGATION — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi makes it official: She’s creating a special committee to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, saying it is “imperative that we seek the truth.” The new committee comes after Senate Republicans blocked legislation that would form a bipartisan commission to investigate the attack. SENT: 562 words, photos.

IMMIGRATION-GOP GOVERNORS — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is first among a group of GOP governors who’ve picked up where former President Donald Trump left off when it comes to hardline immigration measures. SENT: 980 words, photos.

UNITED STATES-CHINA-FORCED LABOR — Chinese-made materials used in solar panels will be barred from the U.S. market as part of a broader effort to halt commerce tied to China’s repressive campaign against Uyghurs and other minorities, the Biden administration says. SENT: 615 words, photos.

BIDEN-VS.-OIL-TRIBAL-LANDS — Oil pumped from Native American lands in the U.S. increased almost tenfold since 2009 to more than 130 million barrels annually, bringing new wealth to a handful of tribes. Other tribes left out of the drilling boom have become increasingly outspoken against fossil fuels as climate change’s impacts grow worse. Drilling on tribal lands is overseen by the federal government and burning that oil produces greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to millions of vehicles. With huge reserves of fossil fuels on tribal lands still untapped, the Biden administration faces competing pressures to help develop them even as it seeks to curb emissions. SENT: 1,350 words, photos.

CONGRESS-PAYDAY-LENDING RULES — Congress has overturned a set of regulations enacted in the final days of the Trump administration that effectively allowed payday lenders to avoid state laws capping interest rates. The House voted 218-208 to overturn the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s payday lending regulations with one Republican voting with Democrats. SENT: 500 words, photo.

ELECTION 2020-AUDITS-GEORGIA — A judge has allowed a lawsuit alleging fraud in Georgia’s most populous county during the November election and seeking a review of absentee ballots to move forward. SENT: 450 words.




SPAIN-McAFEE — Authorities in Spain say that a judge has ordered an autopsy on the remains of John McAfee, the gun-loving antivirus pioneer, cryptocurrency promoter and occasional politician who died in a cell pending extradition to the United States for allegedly evading millions in unpaid taxes. SENT: 530 words, photos, video.

PHILIPPINES-OBIT-AQUINO — Former Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, the son of pro-democracy icons who helped topple dictator Ferdinand Marcos and had troublesome ties with China, has died, a cousin and public officials say. He was 61. SENT: 1,100 words, photos.

CANADA-INDIGENOUS-SCHOOL-DEATHS — The chief of a Indigenous nation in Canada said investigators have found 751 unmarked graves at the site of a former residential school for Indigenous children — a discovery that follows last month’s report of 215 at another school. SENT: 300 words.

RUSSIA-BLACK-SEA — Russia will be ready to fire to hit intruding warships, a senior diplomat warned in the wake of a Black Sea incident in which a British destroyer sailed near Crimea in an area that Russia claims as its territorial waters. SENT: 720 words, photos.

POLAND-VATICAN-SEX ABUSE — Poland’s state commission for fighting sex abuse of minors said it has asked the Vatican for data on abuse by the clergy in Poland because Poland’s church is not providing the requested information. SENT: 360 words.

GREECE-BISHOPS-ATTACKED — A defrocked Greek Orthodox priest has been charged with multiple counts of causing grievous bodily harm over an acid attack that injured seven senior bishops and three other people. SENT: 330 words.

UN-WORLD-DRUG-REPORT — Around 275 million people used drugs worldwide last year, while over 36 million people suffered from drug use disorders, according to the World Drug Report released by the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime in Vienna. SENT: 280 words.

NICARAGUA-CRACKDOWN — Relatives of 16 Nicaraguan opposition figures jailed in recent weeks demanded that President Daniel Ortega’s government let them see their loved ones, know where they are and how they are doing. SENT: 490 words, photos.




GEORGE FLOYD-OFFICER TRIAL-EXPLAINER-SENTENCING — A judge will pass sentence Friday on former Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin, convicted almost two months ago of murder and manslaughter in George Floyd’s death. Here’s what to watch for in Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill’s order. SENT: 1,055 words, photos. WITH: GEORGE FLOYD-OFFICER TRIAL-TIMELINE — Timeline of key moments in the death of George Floyd and the trial of Derek Chauvin. SENT: 890 words, photos. WITH: POLICE KILLINGS-PENDING LEGAL CASES — A look at high-profile deaths around the United States in recent years where legal matters remain pending. SENT: 1,500 words, photos. WITH: POLICE KILLINGS-GLANCE — A look at high-profile killings by police around the United States, including whether officers were charged and the outcome of their cases. SENT: 980 words, photos. WITH: GEORGE FLOYD-OFFICER TRIAL-PHOTO GALLERY — Photos telling the story of the death of George Floyd, the protests in Minneapolis following his killing and the trial of Derek Chauvin. SENT: 180 words, photos.

GUN-VIOLENCE-PREVENTION — A rise in gun violence in cities across the U.S. is testing the limits of anti-violence groups that have been calling for more government funding for decades. President Biden acknowledged earlier this year that community anti-violence programs have been woefully underfunded and has proposed $5 billion in new aid for them. The aid is included in his massive infrastructure plan. SENT: 860 words, photos.

RACIAL-INJUSTICE-SCHOOL-ADMISSIONS — A premier public high school in northern Virginia has dramatically increased the number of Black and Hispanic students offered admission under a new application system that some Asian American parents say discriminates against their children. SENT: 560 words.

RACIAL INJUSTICE-AMHERST REPARATIONS — A Massachusetts town has approved creating a fund to pay reparations to Black residents. The Amherst Town Council on Monday voted 12-1 in favor of setting up the fund. SENT: 410 words.

NORTHWEST-HEAT-WAVE — Record-high heat is forecast in the normally mild-weathered Pacific Northwest this weekend, raising concerns about wildfires and the health of people in a region where many people don’t have air conditioning. SENT: 625 words, photos.

ONE-GOOD-THING-CURLS-FOR-CANCER — Kieran Moïse never liked haircuts, so for the past six years he grew his hair up to 19 inches. His afro, he says, became a huge part of his personality. But the 17-year-old from Alabama knew he’d have to shave it before he heads to the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado on June 24. In memory of a friend who died from cancer, he recently cut it off and donated it to the nonprofit Children With Hair Loss. He also launched a fundraising effort through St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. SENT: 380 words, photos.

TRANSGENDER-MEDICAID-LAWSUIT — Two transgender women are suing the state of Georgia, saying they’ve been denied access to gender-affirming health care under its Medicaid program. The American Civil Liberties Union filed the federal lawsuit in Atlanta. The suit says Georgia bans gender-affirming surgeries in violation of the U.S. Constitution, the Affordable Care Act and the Medicaid Act. SENT: 400 words.

BOY-KILLED-FATHER-CHARGED — The older son of a father on trial for his other son’s murder in Colorado has testified in court. The Denver Post reported that Cory Redwine said Wednesday that compromising photos of their father, Mark Redwine, were discovered that damaged the relationship with his brother, Dylan Redwine. SENT: 650 words, photos.

CIVIL WAR- GOLD-FBI-DIG — An FBI agent applied for a federal warrant in 2018 to seize a cache of gold that he said had been “stolen during the Civil War,” in northwestern Pennsylvania, according to unsealed court documents. The newly unsealed affidavit confirms previous reporting by The Associated Press that the federal government had been looking for a legendary cache of gold at the site, which the agency had long refused to confirm. In any case, the agency said, the dig came up empty. SENT: 715 words, photo.




SCI--ISRAEL-NEANDERTHALS — Scientists in Israel say fragments of skull, jawbone and teeth found in a quarry likely come from an archaic group closely related to Neanderthals. This population of ancient hominin probably lived in the Middle East between 400,000 and 100,000 years ago. That would mean they overlapped with the ancestors of modern humans, homo sapiens, in the Levant region for tens of thousands of years. SENT: 455 words, photos.




ECONOMY-GDP — The U.S. economy grew at a solid 6.4% rate in the first three months of this year, setting the stage for what economists are forecasting could be the strongest year for the economy in growth led by strong consumer spending. SENT: 705 words, photos. WITH: UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS — The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits dropped last week, a sign that layoffs declined and the job market is improving. The Labor Department said that jobless claims declined just 7,000 from the previous week to 411,000. SENT: 645 words, photos.

UBER-SEATTLE-SETTLEMENT — Uber has agreed to pay more than $3.4 million to 15,000 drivers after acknowledging violations of Seattle’s pioneering paid sick leave law covering gig workers. SENT: 400 words.

GOOGLE-PRIVACY — Google is delaying by nearly two years the phase out of Chrome web browser technology that tracks users for ad purposes, saying that it needs more time to develop a replacement system. SENT: 340 words, photo.




BRITNEY-SPEARS-CONSERVATORSHIP-EXPLAINER — Britney Spears told a judge at a dramatic hearing she wants an end to the conservatorship that has controlled her life and money for 13 years. Here’s a look at how conservatorships operate, what’s unusual about hers, and why she and so many fans want to #FreeBritney. SENT: 955 words, photos.

FILM-STEVEN SODERBERGH — The last time Steven Soderbergh and Don Cheadle were in Detroit making a movie together was 23 year ago, for “Out of Sight.” In “No Sudden Move,” they return again to the Motor City for another caper with an eye-popping ensemble cast, but this time for a period piece that digs into the history of Detroit the way “Chinatown” did Los Angeles. SENT: 1,200 words, photos, video.

FILM-ACADEMY-HONORARY-OSCARS — The Academy Awards will present Elaine May, Samuel L. Jackson and Liv Ullmann with honorary Oscars and Danny Glover with the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award at the 12th Governors Awards in January. SENT: 430 words, photo.




BKN--SUNS-CLIPPERS — Facing an 0-2 deficit for the third straight series, the Clippers return home to play the Suns in Game 3 of the Western Conference finals. Chris Paul has been in coronavirus safety protocols and is listed as probable for Phoenix. Los Angeles is again without injured Kawhi Leonard. UPCOMING: 750 words, photos. Game starts 9 p.m.

HKN--GOLDEN KNIGHTS-CANADIENS — The Canadiens are one win from reaching the final since winning the Stanley Cup in 1993. Montreal leads its semifinal with the Vegas Golden Knights 3-2 entering Game 6. UPCOMING: 750 words, photos. Game starts 8 p.m.

TEN--WIMBLEDON PREVIEW — Roger Federer recalls feeling “just shocked.” Chris Evert found the news “devastating.” Tennis was shaken when the All England Club canceled Wimbledon on April 1, 2020, because of the pandemic. The oldest Grand Slam tennis tournament ends a two-year absence Monday. SENT: 800 words, photos.




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