Barack Obama pictured on super yacht taking photo of Michelle with an iPad

Social media went into overdrive

Rachael Revesz
Tuesday 18 April 2017 17:41 BST
Former President and First Lady relax on holiday
Former President and First Lady relax on holiday (AFP)

Barack Obama may be out of the White House but wherever he goes, the world is watching and reacting with delight.

If he walks out of Starbucks in New York City and smiles, people swoon. If he strolls along the beach at Martha’s Vineyard, it goes down equally well online.

And not to mention the couple's Valentine’s Day posts.

The latest sensation has been the sighting of the former President taking a picture of wife Michelle Obama on deck of a boat on holiday.

He was possibly on a tablet, judging by the size of the device he was holding.

The backdrop to the former First Lady was the French Polynesian island of Moorea.

Mr Obama hanging out at the British Virgin Islands with Richard Branson

Ms Obama appeared to be sporting natural hair while her husband was in sunglasses and white, arguably sailor-style trousers.

The boat in question is a 454-foot yacht, belonging to billionaire David Geffen.

Fellow passengers included Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Bruce Springsteen and Patti Scialfa.

Rumour had it that Oprah Winfrey was also on board.

Since leaving the capital in January, the couple have spent time in Palm Springs, met up with Richard Branson in the British Virgin Islands and visited a private island once owned by Marlon Brando to enjoy some water sports.

After Mr Obama left the Oval Office, he tweeted: “Michelle and I are off on a quick vacation, then we’ll get back to work.”

Ms Obama wrote: “After an extraordinary 8 years, I'll be taking a little break. Will be back before you know it to work with you on the issues we care about.”

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