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Donald Trump once joked about sex when asked what he has in common with Ivanka Trump

Increasingly, the Republican nominee's comments about women are coming under scrutiny

Heather Saul
Saturday 04 November 2017 10:04 GMT
Jeff Swensen/Getty
Jeff Swensen/Getty

The high profile Donald Trump used as a launch pad for his campaign for the highest seat in office now was one he spent decades carefully constructing. As one of most media-friendly business moguls, with what his ghostwriter described as an overwhelming desire for attention from the public, he became a master in generating column inches.

But he may come to regret the countless interviews he gave over years as soundbites keep coming back to haunt him. Crass comments about Princess Diana made just a few months after her death and lewd remarks picked up on a hot mic released 11 years later have not served his Presidential bid well in recent weeks. Increasingly, the Republican nominee's comments about women are coming under scrutiny, as well as the remarks he has made about his eldest daughter Ivanka Trump.

The Trump brand is built upon the concept of a strong family unit and Mr Trump would reinforce this by appearing alongside his children on various TV shows.

In 2013, he and Ivanka were guests on the Wendy Williams Show where they were asked what they favourite thing they had in common was. Ivanka answered: “Either real estate or golf.”

Mr Trump jokingly replied: “Well, I was going to say sex, but I can’t relate that to her.”

In an appearance on The View in 2006, he was asked how he would feel if Ivanka, a former model, ever appeared in Playboy Magazine.

“I don't think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her.”

He followed it up with: “Isn’t that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?”

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