In focus

Why King Charles may prefer a ‘Happy’ Christmas to a ‘Harry’ Christmas this year

For many families Christmas is fraught with complicated negotiations – especially when key players don’t see eye to eye. The Windsors are no different, says Harry Mount, which is why any talk of olive branches may be better put off to the new year…

Wednesday 22 November 2023 11:51 GMT
Harry and Meghan are said to have made it known they would be open to a Christmas invitation to Sandringham this year
Harry and Meghan are said to have made it known they would be open to a Christmas invitation to Sandringham this year (Getty/iStock/Scotty’s Little Soldiers)

It’s the same conversation happening up and down the country: “What are you doing for Christmas?” A question often loaded with expectation and anticipation – tossed into a phone call like an emotional hand grenade ready to go off at any moment.

The Windsors may not be a typical family, but when it comes to the knotty logistics at Christmas, they are certainly not immune from the same domestic dramas as the rest of us. Christmas at Sandringham follows the tramlines laid by the late Queen. She, in turn, was following in the footsteps of her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria. Immediate family (children and grandchildren) are invited to Sandringham from Christmas Eve, when, in the German custom, “Heiligabend Bescherung”, imported by Queen Victoria, presents are opened.

Christmas Day begins with the 330ft walk from Sandringham to St Mary Magdalene Church and then moves to a strict timetable of eating, sleeping, dog walking, and Christmas lunch itself – restricted to a sharp 50 minutes. A Christmas tea takes place, and then, on Boxing Day, there is a large shooting party followed by a formal dinner, with the men in black tie and the women in gowns. Tiaras and jewels are worn.

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