Russia has wreaked havoc with kamikaze drones. Now Ukraine is fighting back

In an artillery war of attrition, drones have taken centre stage in the battle for Ukraine, reports Bel Trew from Pokrovsk, Kharkiv and Kyiv

Sunday 09 October 2022 16:00 BST
Atlas drones are designed to work even under Russian jammers
Atlas drones are designed to work even under Russian jammers (Bel Trew)

To his Ukrainian artillery unit, Igor is their lucky charm. Without him, they likely wouldn’t be sitting in a town in war-ravaged Donbas somewhat incongruously eating pizza during a breather from the front line.

The 25-year-old drone commander is their eyes and ears in what has morphed into a bloody artillery war of attrition.

Every day, in the battlefields on the outskirts of Donetsk, east Ukraine, Igor and his drones spot Russian positions, efficiently directing fire, saving the military considerable ammunition and dozens of lives.

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