Government must ‘overrule nimbys’ on new reservoirs to combat drought, says infrastructure tsar

Call for UK ministers to act comes as environment secretary considers ‘national grid for water’

Adam Forrest
Sunday 14 August 2022 17:53 BST
Baitings Reservoir in Ripponden, West Yorkshire, where water levels are significantly low
Baitings Reservoir in Ripponden, West Yorkshire, where water levels are significantly low (PA)

Government ministers must be able to overrule opposition from local MPs, councillors and residents to new reservoirs in a bid to combat widespread drought, the infrastructure tsar has warned.

Sir John Armitt, chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission, said there was “increasing urgency” for more reservoirs amid the threat of water shortages.

Speaking out against the nimbyism – those who say “not in my back yard” – Sir John warned that giving in to local campaigns would cost the Conservatives at the polls.

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