Travel Questions

Travel questions: Is there any point planning a holiday and will easyJet go bust before I receive a refund?

Simon Calder answers your questions on driving in Europe while on lockdown and instigating a claim under Section 75

Monday 06 April 2020 19:30 BST
Mediterranean beach scenes like these are a long way off
Mediterranean beach scenes like these are a long way off (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Q Would you recommend not booking any holidays or flights this year? End of summer, October half term or Christmas holidays?

Fiona H

A I strenuously recommend planning holidays and flights this year; I just suggest you hold off booking for now. I hope I can change that advice soon. Part of the joy of travel is the anticipation, and sadly right now many of us are living with no fixed plans for holidays. Until the pendulum starts to swing back, with governments loosening restrictions, leisure travel is on hold.

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