Britain’s Got Talent: Amanda Holden runs from judging panel in fear after act makes live rat appear

Judge said watching semi-final act was ‘the most terrifying thing that’s happened to me in 16 years’

Isobel Lewis
Tuesday 31 May 2022 12:38 BST
Amanda Holden terrified by rat trick on Britain's Got Talent

Amanda Holden ran out of Britain’s Got Talent in terror after being confronted with a rat on live TV.

During Monday (30 May) night’s semi-finals, viewers were treated to a new performance by mysterious performer Witches.

During his act, the judges were asked to state what scares them most, before being told that Witches has “the power to conjure your deepest, darkest fear”.

They each then reached inside the box to find a piece of paper with a word on it. “Oh god,” Holden said, as she read out the word “rodents”. “There’s not a rat in there, is there?”

The judge hid behind her chair, shouting: “No way” and screaming: “Is there a rat in there?”

Holden was then forced to put her hand inside the box, screeching in fear as she felt the live rodent. The box was lifted, with the animal crawling the judging panel. Holden, in response, sprinted away to the other side of the studio.

Witches chased her holding the creature, asking: “What’s the matter Amanda? Rat got your tongue?”

The rat was revealed in a box on Holden’s desk
The rat was revealed in a box on Holden’s desk (ITV)

Asked about the experience by Ant and Dec once the act had finished, Holden said that the act “was the most terrifying thing that’s happened to me in 16 years”.

Elsewhere in the BGT semi-final, the presenters left viewers in hysterics after Ant got stuck in his chair during the night’s opening performance.

Britain’s Got Talent continues tonight at 8pm on ITV.

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