Sam Smith changes lyrics on ‘Stay With Me’ to celebrate law signing of same sex marriage

Singer said they felt ‘inspired to change the lyrics’ after watching ‘landmark moment’

Megan Graye
Thursday 15 December 2022 12:04 GMT
Sam Smith waxwork

Sam Smith has changed the lyrics to their hit song “Stay With Me” in honour of a federal law signing, which recognises same sex and interracial marriages in the US.

The 30-year-old singer was performing at the White House on Tuesday (13 December), after being invited by Biden to celebrate the progressive change to laws.

The Respect for Marriage Act applies to same sex and interracial couples in the US, and protects their rights as couples by officially recognising their marriage.

During the performance, Smith sung “Stay With Me” and altered the usual lyrics of “This ain’t love it’s clear to see,” to “This is love it’s clear to see,” to mark the occasion.

“My deepest thanks to President Biden and First Lady Dr Jill Biden for inviting me to perform at the White House, it was a true honour,” wrote the singer in an Instagram post following the event.

“I felt inspired to change the lyrics” they said, adding: “Watching President Biden sign the Respect for Marriage Act was a landmark moment for freedom of love.”

They continued: “Hopefully just the beginning of the important work ahead to continue to expand the protections of the LGBTQ+, non-binary and transgender communities; and build towards a world where love is celebrated regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or sexuality.”

The singer said they felt ‘inspired to change the lyrics’ after watching ‘a landmark moment for freedom of love’
The singer said they felt ‘inspired to change the lyrics’ after watching ‘a landmark moment for freedom of love’ (Getty Images)

Cyndi Lauper also appeared at the celebration to perform a rendition of her song “True Colours”.

The singer also made a speech at the event. According to reports by the Metro, the star wanted to thank the President and said: “For once, our families, mine and a lot of my friends, people you know, sometimes your neighbours, we can rest easy tonight because our families are validated.”

“Because now we are allowed to love who we love, which sounds odd to say, but Americans can now love who we love,” she continued.

“Bless Joe Biden and all the people who worked on this for allowing people and their children not to worry about their future,” she added.

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