Teacher fired after topless selfie discovered by male student sues school for $3m

School allegedly claims private photo made teacher a poor role model for students

Conrad Duncan
Wednesday 03 April 2019 13:40 BST
Bellport Middle School teacher fired over topless selfie plans to sue school district

A teacher who was fired after a male student got hold of a topless selfie of her without her consent is suing her former school for $3m.

Middle school teacher Lauren Miranda alleges that the school district said she was not a good role model because of the photo.

She said the selfie, which was taken in 2016, was only ever sent to another teacher she was dating at the time, according to her attorney John Ray.

“By unknown means, a student obtained [the selfie]. The school district took possession of it, excoriated her, and fired her because her breasts were displayed,” Mr Ray said.

“This would never have happened to a male teacher.”

Her claim alleges her firing was due to gender discrimination and says the South Country Central School District in New York refused to conduct a proper investigation.

“My career has been ruined, my reputation has been tarnished, I have been stigmatised,” she said at a news conference on Monday.

“Everything I have worked so hard for since I was 18 years old has been stolen from me because of one innocuous selfie,” she added.

Court documents claim Ms Miranda, who taught maths at Bellport Middle School, was told that the photo had been discovered in January.

She was removed from her job last week after being placed on administrative leave.

School superintendent Joseph Giani told The Washington Post that the district would not comment on active ligation.

“What is wrong with my image?” Ms Miranda asked at a news conference. “It’s my breasts. It’s my chest. It’s my body. It’s something that should be celebrated.”

She added that she hoped her lawsuit would send a message to girls in the school who have had “their photos Airdropped all over the high school and sent all over.”

“What message are we sending to them?” she said. “To roll over when your picture gets exposed without your permission or consent? So how am I now not being a role model to them?”

Mr Ray echoed her comments, saying: “When you look at [the picture], and compare it with a man’s picture, there’s no problem. The only distinction is that her nipples can suckle children, and his can’t.”

He also added that Ms Miranda was “an excellent math teacher by all accounts” and provided a positive teacher observation report to support his claim, allegedly from the South County Central School District.

Ms Miranda is asking to be given her job back or to receive $3m in damages from the school district, court documents show.

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