Patti Smith praises Greta Thunberg and slams 'narcissistic and dishonourable' Trump

Singer says older generation still have a part to play in the fight to force change

Sarah Young
Tuesday 05 November 2019 09:09 GMT
Patti Smith praises Greta Thunberg and the new generation's fight to force change

Patti Smith has expressed her support for environmental activist Greta Thunberg.

During an interview with ITV News, the singer, who became a highly influential figure in the punk scene during the 1970s, discussed the fact that her 1998 hit “People are the Power” has recently been adopted as a protest song against environmental complacency.

The 72-year-old, who has long been an activist, applauded recent climate crisis protests led by Swedish teenager Thunberg, adding that she believes the older generation still have a part to play in the fight to force change.

“Young people are confronted with a lot more than we were confronted (with), so we have to be fair,” Smith said.

“What are they doing that is productive? And what are they concerned about and how can we help them, and even more important, support them?”

Smith continued: "So, like what young Greta says, 'don't think of youth as being our hope, get out there and join us'.

“They're burgeoning, they're beloved dandelions, wildflowers, and they're sprouting all over the world.”

The “Because the Night” singer went on to discuss US president Donald Trump’s contribution to the global conversation about the environment, condemning him as "very narcissistic" and "not very honourable".

"It bothers me that a person representing our country, also representing us, is such an uneducated man, lacking empathy, compassion, a sense of history, a sense of the importance of allies, the importance of opening up one's door to people who are experiencing strife,” Smith said.

“What he's done to our environment, his lack of comprehension of the importance of the global conversation about our environment... It's like every single day, one can be angry, humiliated, or shocked at the things that he does.”

Smith added that she hopes people around the world understand that Trump “does not represent the views of the lion's share of the American people.”

Smith also discussed the shift she has experienced in her personal life, both in and out of the limelight, and growing old.

The singer says the only thing she misses from her own youth is her “really black hair” and that she has learned to express herself more eloquently with age.

“But also, the trade-off I find myself being able to articulate myself better when I'm writing,” Smith said.

“All the experience I have as a performer, as a singer. I think just keeping engaged and happy, smiling, are very good youth serums.”

Smith is currently doing the press rounds for her upcoming memoir Year of the Monkey, which details her experience of loss, ageing, and the dramatic shift in the political landscape of America.

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