Kim Kardashian says selfies are over: Reality star adds they're 'kind of a few years ago'

The known trendsetter has given selfies a thumbs-down

David Maclean
Tuesday 17 October 2017 16:51 BST
Kim Kardashian's selfies are so iconic that her waxwork features her holding an iPhone
Kim Kardashian's selfies are so iconic that her waxwork features her holding an iPhone

Selfies are over.

That’s according to the de-facto Queen of self-shots, Kim Kardashian.

And when the author of a book filled with her own selfies says it, it’s probably best to pay attention.

The reality star appears to be bored by the modern trend, showing a weariness when asked about it on social media.

She was playing a game of “Would You Rather” on Twitter, and she was asked whether she’d rather never be able to post a selfie again, or never use Snapchat again.

Many would have expected the selfie queen to axe Snapchat, but she surprised users by saying she’d give up selfies.

In a clip she said: “I would rather never be able to post a selfie again. Yeah.”

She added: “I kinda feel like, I dunno, selfies are kind of a few years ago.”

She may be onto something; according to Google Trends data, the term first started gaining search traction in late 2012, before rocketing in mid-2014.

It was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013, signifying the level of everyday usage.

Since then, searches for the term have been on a downward trajectory.

So what accounts for the sudden rise of the selfie in 2014? It’s likely down to the rapid advancements in front-facing cameras on smartphones.

Apps like Instagram and Snapchat quickly capitalised, and a phenomenon was born.

The origin of the term appears to have come from photographer Jim Krause in 2005, but it describes a practice that’s been around for decades - Buzz Aldrin took a selfie in space back in 1966, while examples date back as far as the 1800s.

But perhaps the most notorious selfie happened when a crested black macaque monkey pressed the trigger on a wildlife photographer’s camera which was set up in the Indonesian jungle.

It sparked a debate over whether the monkey held the copyright – a federal judge later ruled that it did not.

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