The Saturday Quiz: Weekly brain teaser

Chris Maume
Saturday 06 February 2016 01:39 GMT
Paul Newman in Sometimes A Great Notion in 1971
Paul Newman in Sometimes A Great Notion in 1971 (Rex Features)

1. Under the 1971 Coinage Act, what's the maximum amount that can be paid using 1p or 2p coins?

2. In 1972, the Henry Fonda/Paul Newman film 'Sometimes a Great Notion' was the first transmission on which television channel?

3. Who was prompted by the ideas of Alfred Russel Wallace to publish his own similar theories?

4. In January 1896, Walter Arnold of East Peckham, Kent, became the first person to be convicted of what new crime?

5. Christopher Wallace, shot to death in his car in 1997, was better known as what?

6. Who in 2001 became the first footballer to have played for England without having lived in the country?

7. Which artist [who died in 1901] is credited with inventing the cocktail "Earthquake" or "Tremblement de Terre", half absinthe, half cognac?

8. In April 1972, Graeme Garden, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Bill Oddie and Jo Kendall were the panellists in the first edition of which radio show?

9. Dunwich, Hampton-on-Sea, Old Winchelsea: what's the link?

10. Which war did Jorge Luis Borges liken to "two bald old men arguing over a comb"?

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