Quiz of the Year 2017: Round 2

Take our quiz and test your knowledge of the deaths of the past year

Chris Maume
Thursday 21 December 2017 16:13 GMT

1. Who had relationships with both of the above? She died in June. In her later years she was asked by Courtney Love if she’d ever consider having plastic surgery. “Darling, I was the most beautiful woman in 17 countries,” she replied. “I like being ugly!”

2. Which close friend of Elton John died in January? The musician credited him with persuading him to give up alcohol.

3. Which actor, who died in January, said of his 1975 breakthrough role, “Many people told me it would be the end of my career.”

4. Who did The Times once describe as “everybody’s favourite nobody”? In her book The Naughty Girl’s Guide to Life, she wrote, “Sleeping with the easyJet pilot is sluttish. The man flying your private plane, however, is more acceptable. Totally acceptable is the owner of the said jet.” She died in February.

5. Which writer, broadcaster and campaigner, who died in April, was once savaged by Joan Rivers on Midweek after he accused her of racism?

6. Which actor, who died in May, once said, “I hate loud bangs – every time I had to fire a gun I blinked. They always had to go through the film and edit out the frame where I closed my eyes.”

7. Orson Welles called her “the greatest actress in the world”, and she made her name as part of a famous onscreen ménage à trois. She died in July.

8. Which theatrical knight, who died in September, was not always popular with actors, fellow directors and playwrights? John Osborne referred to him as “Fu Manchu”, Glenda Jackson called him “a dictator” and Jonathan Miller described him as “a ball of rancid pig’s fat”.

9. In 1969 a journalist at a press conference referred to Elvis Presley as “the king”. Presley shook his head and gestured towards a fellow musician who was sitting across the room. “No,” he said, “there’s the real king of rock’n’roll.” Who was Presley indicating? He died in October.

10. “There are two ways to make love,” he said. “On a bed of basil or on a bed of truffles.” He died in November.

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1 Anita Pallenberg; 2 Graham Taylor, former Watford and England manager; 3 John Hurt, who was referring to his part as Quentin Crisp in The Naked Civil Servant; 4 Tara Palmer-Tomkinson; 5 Darcus Howe; 6 Sir Roger Moore; 7 Jeanne Moreau; the ménage à trois was in Francois Truffaut’s Jules et Jim; 8 Sir Peter Hall; 9 Fats Domino; 10 Antonio Carluccio

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