How cool are you? Round 1

Take our quiz and find out

Thomas W. Hodgkinson
Friday 16 December 2016 18:42 GMT
What was Amelia Earhart doing when she disappeared in 1937?
What was Amelia Earhart doing when she disappeared in 1937? (Smithsonian)

1. What was the remark the dandy Beau Brummell made that offended the Prince of Wales?

2. What did the actress Sarah Bernhardt reply when Oscar Wilde asked her if she minded if he smoked?

3. What was the name of Sarah Bernhardt’s pet alligator?

4. In which part of his body did the poet Paul Verlaine shoot his lover Arthur Rimbaud?

5. Coco Chanel: “I may be French but my … is international.” Fill in the blank.

6. “I am the toast of two continents,” Dorothy Parker once declared. Which two continents did she then name?

7. Dorothy Parker: “How like me to put all my eggs in one …” Fill in the blank.

8. What was Amelia Earhart doing when she disappeared in 1937?

9. Who is said to have been the first actor to utter the line, “Anyone for tennis?”

10. What was the ageing Marlene Dietrich’s response when a paparazzo tried to photograph her in her bedroom?

11. Of whom did the critic Kenneth Tynan remark that, what he saw in other women when drunk, he saw in her when he was sober?

12. Name the dance that made Josephine Baker famous throughout Europe.

13. The best known photograph of Lee Miller shows her nude in whose bathtub?

14. From whom was Robert Johnson said to have learnt this skill at playing the guitar?

15. What was the name given to the type of painting that Jackson Pollock made famous?

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Taken from 'How to be Cool' by Thomas W Hodgkinson, published by Icon, priced £12.99.

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