Can we guess where you're from based on how happy you are?

Northern or Southern? From Scotland or the Midlands? How you answer these questions could give it away

Elsa Vulliamy
Tuesday 23 February 2016 21:14 GMT
(Getty Images)

A recently conducted YouGov survey asked over 1,600 people questions about how happy they were with their lives.

The survey found that, overall, public optimism has increased considerably in the last five years.

The British public are feeling safer and more secure – and worrying less about things like money and future job opportunities.

People from Scotland are especially content with their lives at the moment – though they did report having more concerns about the government than people in England overall.

Londoners are also rather content, while people from the Midlands are the least pleased with how their lives are going.

Can we guess where you’re from according to how happy you are?

Take the quiz to find out.

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