Game of Thrones star Lena Headey shares unsettling Harvey Weinstein experience: 'I got into my car and cried'

Jacob Stolworthy
Tuesday 17 October 2017 16:30 BST

Lena Headey has recounted a personal unsettling experience she alleges she had with Harvey Weinstein in the wake of the scandal which sees him face dozens worth of sexual harassment and assault allegations.

The actress, who plays Cersei Lannister in HBO series Game of Thrones, shared her story in a series of Twitter posts which reveal two past instances she has had with the disgraced film producer.

Headey claims the first time she met Weinstein was at the Venice Film Festival in 2005 where, after taking her for a walk by the water, he “made some suggestive comment and gesture.”

Harvey Weinstein: The celebrities who have accused him of sexual misconduct so far

She claims she ran into Weinstein in LA years later where he kept asking her questions about her love life. Headey alleges that, when Weinstein invited her to his hotel room to show her a script, the "energy shifted."

Headey says she said to the producer, "I'm not interested in anything other than work, please don't think I got in [the lift] with you for any other reason."

"He was silent after I spoke, furious," Headey writes, claiming his hands were on her back "marching her forward."

After the key card to his hotel room didn't work, she alleges that Weinstein marched her back to the lift "grabbing and holding tightly to the back of [her] arm."

She claims that, after paying for her car, he whispered in her ear: "Don't tell anyone about this, not your manager, not your agent."

"I got in the car and I cried," Headey wrote.

Actors ranging from Jennifer Lawrence and Meryl Streep to Mark Ruffalo and Jessica Chastain have criticised Weinstein both for his alleged behaviour and his statement in response to the allegations.

Weinstein's accusers include Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Léa Seydoux and Cara Delevingne.

The producer - whose wife Georgina Chapman announced she is to separate from him - was fired from his position at the Weinstein Company in the wake of the allegations and has had his Academy and BAFTA membership revoked.

In support of Weinstein's accusers, two male stars - James Van Der Beek and Brooklyn Nine-Nine star Terry Crews - have come forward with their own claims of sexual assault at the hands of 'powerful' men while other famous figures - including Reese Witherspoon and America Ferrera - have been inspired to share their own personal experience of assault in light of the scandal.

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