Lana Del Rey reveals new album White Hot Forever will be released in 2020

Artist has just released her latest record 'Norman F***ing Rockwell', which she co-produced with Jack Antonoff

Ellie Harrison
Friday 30 August 2019 08:05 BST
Lana Del Rey shares new song in response to US shootings

Straight off the back of her latest album, Norman F***ing Rockwell, Lana Del Rey has announced she has another record coming out in 2020.

“I’ve already written parts of it,” the artist told The Times. “It’s called White Hot Forever. I feel like it probably will be a surprise release sometime within the next 12 or 13 months.”

She added: “I’m really excited right now. I don’t want to take a break.”

The news arrives on the same day (Friday 30 August) as the release of Del Rey’s most recent album, which The Independent’s reviewer Alexandra Pollard described as the artist’s “most assertive” yet.

“This is Del Rey at her most assertive – personally, if not politically,” the review said. ”Those hoping for a barbed protest record in keeping with Del Rey’s newfound public activism (last year she called President Trump a ‘narcissist’ who ‘believes it’s OK to grab a woman by the pussy just because he’s famous’) will be disappointed.

“But it is gratifying to hear her take control.”

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