The actors consistently choosing the best movies

Unsurprisingly Robert De Niro isn't in there

Christopher Hooton
Friday 26 August 2016 07:54 BST

Being a good actor is only half the battle in Hollywood.

Stanislavski may have claimed that “there are no small parts, only small actors”, but having the right agent and picking the right scripts is pretty crucial to your career.

Movie suggestion site Taste used its data to determine which actors consistently appear in the highest-rated films this week, ranking 248 of them.

Only looking at actors who have acted in at least five movies from the past decade and had lead or critical supporting roles in them, they ‘calculated each of their scores by averaging the standardized user ratings of their movies produced within the past decade. These standardized ratings are adjusted for individual user taste bias, reflecting a very precise measure of a movie’s quality.’

Modern acting greats Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Idris Elba and Philip Seymour Hoffman were unsurprisingly in the top 10, but only one actor came out with a perfect score: Paul Dano.

Though he’s never landed an Oscar, Dano has chosen wisely with his films, giving memorable performances in There Will Be Blood, Little Miss Sunshine and Love & Mercy.

List in full (Larger version here):

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