Mitch McConnell says he has ‘completely recovered’ from freezing episodes

Months after experiencing two isolated freezing episodes, Mitch McConnell insists he is completely fine

Ariana Baio
Monday 23 October 2023 13:37 BST
Mitch McConnell says he has ‘completely recovered’ after freezing spells this summer

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell assured people that he is in good health and has “completely recovered” from the mysterious freezing spells that he experienced this summer.

“I’m fine, I’m completely recovered and just fine,” Mr McConnell, 81, told Face the Nation when he was asked about his health on Sunday.

Mr McConnell said that he is “in good shape” and back to work before shutting down further questions about the freezing episodes.

In July, the Republican Senator from Kentucky caused alarm when he suddenly froze at a press conference and appeared temporarily paralyzed.

He offered no explanation for the episode but after a near identical incident occurred in August, some lawmakers questioned his ability to remain as a leader in Congress.

Mr McConnell underwent medical tests at the Office of the Attending Physician of Congress who cleared the senator of any major health issues including stroke, seizure, transient ischemic attack (TIA), Parkinsons or other movement disorders.

Mitch McConnell appeared to freeze at a press conference in Kentucky in August 2023
Mitch McConnell appeared to freeze at a press conference in Kentucky in August 2023 (Twitter: WLWT)

Despite the clean bill of health, questions have lingered over Mr McConnell’s wellbeing, particularly given that he had suffered a concussion during a fall earlier this year.

But Mr McConnell has avoided the topic and again seemed keen to move past the issue on Sunday.

“I think we ought to be talking about what we were talking about earlier rather than my health,” he said.

Mr McConnell went on to discuss aid packages for Ukraine and Israel, saying that those lawmakers who are unsupportive of them are making a “mistake”.

As the top Republican in the Senate, Mr McConnell holds a powerful position. He is able to influence his party in favor of, or against, legislation and has served as a guiding figure for many during his four decades in Congress.

The 81-year-old has declared he will serve the remainder of his two-year term which ends in January 2025.

It is unclear if he will seek re-election once his term expires. Earlier this year he became the longest-serving Senate party leader in US history.

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