Gwyneth Paltrow’s children Apple and Moses set to testify in ski accident trial

Hollywood star has been sued for $300,000 by retired doctor following 2016 crash

Graeme Massie
Los Angeles
Saturday 25 March 2023 01:01 GMT
Gwyneth Paltrow says she first thought ski crash was sexual assault and ‘froze’

Gwyneth Paltrow’s children Apple and Moses are set to testify as witnesses in a civil suit brought against the Hollywood star over a 2016 ski accident in Utah.

Lawyers for the Oscar winner told the court at the end of the first week of testimony in Park City, Utah, that Apple Martin, 18, and Moses Martin, 16, would be called as witnesses on Monday.

Terry Sanderson, 76, has accused the Hollywood star of crashing into him on a ski slope at the Deer Valley resort in Park City, Utah, in February 2016, leaving him with “permanent traumatic brain injury, four broken ribs, pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, emotional distress and disfigurement”.

(Getty Images)

Meanwhile, Ms Paltrow claims it was Mr Sanderson who crashed into her — and that he told his daughter afterwards that he was “famous.”

Before the court recessed on Friday afternoon for the weekend, Ms Paltrow’s lawyer, Stephen Owens, told the judge that both of her children were flying to Utah to give testimony on her behalf.

The court has been told that Ms Paltrow paid almost $9,000 for private ski lessons for her family at the resort and that the trip had been an attempt to “blend” her family with that of her now-husband Brad Falchuk.

Mr Falchuk is also expected to testify on Monday, as will Mr Sanderson, the court was told

During testimony on Friday Ms Paltrow told the jury that she had at first thought the ski crash at the Deer Creek resort was sexual assault and “froze”.

Terry Sanderson, the Utah man suing Gwyneth Paltrow, leaves the courtroom following her testimony (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

“I thought, is this a practical joke? Is someone doing something perverted? This is very strange,” the actor told a Utah court

She also testified under cross-examination that she felt “very sorry for” Terry Sanderson.

“It seems he has had a very difficult life but I did not cause the accident so I cannot be at fault for anything that subsequently happened to him,” she told the jury.

The actor also testified that she did not give him brain injuries that reportedly showed up on a 2006 MRI.

The court was shown a selfie photograph of Ms Paltrow and her son Moses on the ski lift on the day of the accident and she testified that she always wears a helmet when she skis for safety and for some anonymity.

“When I am skiing I like to try to keep a low profile,” she added.

She was also asked about her history of skiing with her father, who died when he was in his 50s, causing her to step away from the sport for a while.

“I was pretty devastated by his death and being in a ski resort or on a chairlift was difficult for me and I avoided it for a few years until I had my own kids and I heard his voice in my head telling me I should teach them to ski,” she said.

She told the court that her first husband, Chris Martin of Coldplay, did not ski but she had started again with now husband Brad Falchuk in an attempt to “blend” their two families.

She added that she was not distracted and was paying attention to where she was skiing on the day of the accident.

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