Dating advice: Ditch your preconceptions

Tuesday 21 December 2010 18:37 GMT

Ok, so you’re not completely convinced by the whole online dating thing just yet, are you? We know that taking the plunge and signing yourself up to an online dating site can seem a little daunting to begin with, but believe us, it really isn’t.

Almost a third of the UK’s population has now turned to online dating to help them in their quest for love, and online dating is becoming as popular are our beloved social networking sites. Here are a few stats that we have pulled together to prove just how big online dating is:

  • 1 in 5 singles have had a relationship with someone they met on a website.
  • For singles who use dating websites 33 per cent form a relationship
  • There are now more than 5 million singles using UK online dating websites.
  • The gender split of online daters is 50-50.

And if these impressive numbers still don’t have you convinced, here are some added bonuses that are sure to get you reaching for your computer:

  • You can browse thousands of members at your own pace...
  • ...from the comfort of your sofa...
  • ...whilst wearing your dressing gown!
  • You’ll know exactly what people are looking for and get to see their credentials laid bare on their profile, so no messing around
  • You can put your charm and wit across with the aid of spell check, photoshop and the Internet (not that you're cheating)...

What are you waiting for?

Stat source

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