Northern lights: Timelapse video shows reindeer grazing beneath the Aurora Borealis

The herd appear unmoved by the phenomenon while they blithely graze upon the grass

Eliza Ketcher
Tuesday 17 November 2020 18:11 GMT
Norwegian Reindeer Graze Beneath Aurora Borealis

Tourists may struggle to see the northern lights in person this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, but some local residents in Norway will have no such trouble.  

Timelapse video captured on the Norwegian island of Senja shows the natural phenomenon taking place above a herd of reindeer, seemingly unperturbed by the aurora while they graze upon the grass.

Matthew Robinson, who recorded the video, joked on Twitter: “Interesting fact, our reindeer aren’t really bothered about the aurora.”

The natural light displays happen as a result of solar winds which send charged solar particles into the Earth’s atmosphere, resulting in occasional dramatic flashes of coloured lights across the sky.

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