Olly Alexander wants his It’s a Sin co-star to take the lead Doctor Who role

Actor ruled himself out of taking on the part last month

Ellie Harrison
Thursday 02 December 2021 15:20 GMT
Doctor Who: Flux trailer

Olly Alexander has said he would like his It’s a Sin co-star to play the lead part in Doctor Who, after ruling himself out of taking on the role.

The Years and Years singer, who had been a frontrunner to play the Time Lord, said he would like Omari Douglas to take on the character.

Alexander starred as Ritchie Tozer in Russell T Davies’s hit miniseries which explored the Aids crisis in London in the 1980s, while Douglas played his friend, Roscoe Babatunde.

Speculation about a member of the It’s a Sin cast taking on the Doctor title was fuelled when it was confirmed that Davies would return to the sci-fi TV series as showrunner to celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2023.

Alexander told the PA news agency: “I’m definitely not going to be the Doctor but it’s going to be so amazing, Russell’s Doctor.

“I mean, it was before, and it will be again, and it has been great. So I’m excited to watch the show because I’m a fan.”

Omari Douglas
Omari Douglas (Getty Images)

He confirmed he is “definitely backing Omari Douglas” for the role, adding: “I think the Doctor’s quite queer anyway – that’s my take on the character – and I think it would really make sense for a queer actor to take the role.

“I think it would bring something really great to the part and in the performance, I’d love to see that.”

You can find the full list of odds on who may play the Doctor next here.

Alexander said he would like to work on another project with Davies in the future, adding: “I think Russell’s amazing. He’s been a hero of mine since I was 14 years old, watching Queer as Folk in secret. So he’s definitely a legend, and everything he does is great.”

The 31-year-old singer had a successful music career before he started acting, and his third studio album, Night Call, is due to be released in the new year.

Additional reporting by Press Association

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