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Five all-time favourite beauty products

Rebecca Gonsalves shares the products that she loves

Rebecca Gonsalves
Friday 25 March 2016 17:14 GMT
Dermatologists have warned people must regularly re-apply sunscreen to ensure long-lasting protection, despite some product claims
Dermatologists have warned people must regularly re-apply sunscreen to ensure long-lasting protection, despite some product claims (Rex Features)

When I left school Baz Luhrmann's "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)" became our unofficial anthem. As cheesy as it may seem, the advice in Luhrmann's experimental track has been reassuring over the years, not least about sunscreen – it is one of the most important products you can use, even in this sun-starved land.

Whether you opt for cheap as chips or eye-wateringly expensive is up to you, but please buy whatever you can afford to use plenty of. Scrimping on coverage is a false economy and far too big a risk to take. Lecture over.

Giving advice can be hard, especially when it comes to make-up, moisturisers and the like, and especially when what works wonderfully for one may only irritate another. But as someone who receives more than her fair share of compliments I wanted to share the products that I love: the ones I'll buy before I near the end of the bottle because I can't bear to be without them.

The Nail Lacquer in Scarlett

£21, Dolce & Gabbana,

I'm quite fussy when it comes to the perfect red and will spend ages choosing between almost-identical shades. This glides on, resists chipping and is bright but not brash.

Daily reviving concentrate


This really helps wake me, and my skin, up in the morning with its gentle citrusy scent. Do not be afraid of oils on your skin, find the right one and you'll never look back.

All Day luminous weightless foundation


I've tried and loved a lot of foundations in my time, but this is the one that gets me by far the most compliments on my skin: it 'glows' apparently.

Ultime8 cleansing oil

£37.50, Shu Uemera

Whether it's the only cleanser you use or just one part of a multi-step routine, a hot cloth and cleansing oil are one of the best ways to rid your skin of the sins of the day.

Pro-collagen quartz lift serum


This is the only thing I've found that actually irons out the crevices in my forehead; it's expensive so I use it as on-the-spot treatment rather than all over my face.

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