US law professor suggests Biden is genetically predisposed to commit crimes

Jonathan Turley said that recent legal troubles for the Bidens may be ‘something of a family trait acquired through generations of natural selection’

Mike Bedigan
Los Angeles
Monday 26 February 2024 20:20 GMT
Biden's brother James Biden arrives to give evidence at impeachment probe

A US law professor has bizarrely suggested that Joe Biden and his family may be genetically predisposed to commit crimes, pointing to a distant relative of the president as supposed evidence.

In an opinion article for The Hill, Jonathan Turley, an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School, said that the skirting of recent legal troubles by the Bidens was “something of a family trait acquired through generations of natural selection”.

The president faces a dwindling threat of impeachment, stemming from allegations of corruption and bribery levelled by Republicans. He was also recently found by a special counsel to have willfully retained classified material during his time in office.

Mr Biden has denied wrongdoing and is not facing any criminal charges. An ex-FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens has been jailed as he awaits trial.

In his article, Mr Turley said that the Biden family were considered a “wonder” in Washington, and that over the years had shown “a legendary skill at evading legal accountability”

Jonathan Turley said that recent legal troubles for the Bidens may be ‘something of a family trait acquired through generations of natural selection’
Jonathan Turley said that recent legal troubles for the Bidens may be ‘something of a family trait acquired through generations of natural selection’ (Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

“Biden family members often marshal political allies and media to kill investigations or cut sweetheart deals… [and] swim in scandal with the ease and agility of a bottlenose dolphin,” he wrote.

“It turns out that it may be something of a family trait acquired through generations of natural selection.”

Mr Turley explores the case of the president’s great-great-grandfather Moses Robinette, a government contractor during the US Civil War, who was found guilty of attempted murder and sentenced to two years of hard labour.

Friends and political allies of Robinette wrote to then-president Abraham Lincoln so that he might grant him clemency, according to Mr Turley.

“Biden’s associates argued that, although Robinette had been the only person armed, the victim was a teamster “much his superior in strength and Size, all under the impulse of the excitement of the moment,” the article reads.

“They beseeched Lincoln to ‘think of his motherless Daughters and sons at home! … [Praying for] your interposition in behalf of the unfortunate Father…and distressed family of loved Children, Union Daughters & Union Sons’.”

Hunter Biden, son of the president, has also faced recent legal battles
Hunter Biden, son of the president, has also faced recent legal battles (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Mr Turley says that the final argument put forward for Robinette’s case was “quintessentially Bidenesque”.

“They told Lincoln that he was a political ally who was ‘ardent, and Influential … in opposing Traitors and their schemes to destroy the Government.’ (It appears, even back then, the Bidens were union men.)” he said.

Robinette was ultimately pardoned by Lincoln.

Examining the charges against Mr Biden and his son Hunter Biden in greater depth, Mr Turley concludes: “After generations, the Bidens are still showing the same nimble qualities of great-great-granddad Moses.”

The Independent has reached out to the White House for comment on Mr Turley’s article.

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