King Charles praises Ukraine’s bravery in face of Putin’s ‘indescribable aggression’ on anniversary of war

‘Theirs is true valour, in the face of indescribable aggression’

Maryam Zakir-Hussain
Saturday 24 February 2024 18:22 GMT
Zelensky meets world leaders in Hostomel as Ukraine marks two-year anniversary of Russian invasion

The King has praised the “determination and strength” of the Ukrainian people in a message marking the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion.

He said: “Theirs is true valour, in the face of indescribable aggression.”

Charles added he is “greatly encouraged” by the efforts of the UK and its allies in supporting Ukraine “at this time of such great suffering and need”.

Charles has met with President Zelensky several times since the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Charles has met with President Zelensky several times since the Russian invasion of Ukraine (PA Archive)

He said: “The determination and strength of the Ukrainian people continues to inspire, as the unprovoked attack on their land, their lives and livelihoods enters a third, tragic, year.

“Despite the tremendous hardship and pain inflicted upon them, Ukrainians continue to show the heroism with which the world associates them so closely.

“Theirs is true valour, in the face of indescribable aggression. I have felt this personally in the many meetings I have had with Ukrainians since the start of the war, from President Zelensky and Mrs Zelenska, to new army recruits training here in the United Kingdom.

“I continue to be greatly encouraged that the United Kingdom and our allies remain at the forefront of international efforts to support Ukraine at this time of such great suffering and need.

“My heart goes out to all those affected, as I remember them in my thoughts and prayers.”

It comes as the King continues to receive outpatient treatment for an undisclosed form of cancer.

The cancer was discovered while Charles was undergoing surgery for an enlarged prostate.

The Princess of Wales has, meanwhile, been recovering from abdominal surgery. The palace did not provide further details but said her condition was not cancerous. She has since returned home to Windsor.

Western leaders gathered in Kyiv on Saturday to mark the two-year anniversary since Russia invaded Ukraine.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen vowed that Europe would back Ukraine until it was “finally free” as she and three other Western leaders arrived in the capital.

The visit by Ms Von der Leyen and the prime ministers of Italy, Canada and Belgium – Giorgia Meloni, Justin Trudeau and Alexander De Croo – was a show of support as Ukraine suffers shortages of military supplies that are hurting it on the battlefield as Moscow grinds out territorial gains.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with President Volodymyr Zelensky
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with President Volodymyr Zelensky (PA Wire)

Rishi Sunak, who visited Kyiv last month to sign a new security agreement and announce an increase in military funding for the country, said on Friday: “When Putin launched his illegal invasion two years ago, the free world was united in its response.

“We stood together behind Ukraine. And on this grim anniversary, we must renew our determination.

“I was in Kyiv just a few weeks ago and I met wounded Ukrainian soldiers. Each harrowing story was a reminder of Ukraine’s courage in the face of terrible suffering.

“It was a reminder of the price they are paying not only to defend their country against a completely unjustified invasion, but also to defend the very principles of freedom, sovereignty and the rule of law on which we all depend.”

He added: “This is the moment to show that tyranny will never triumph and to say once again that we will stand with Ukraine today and tomorrow.”

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