Centrist Dad

Warring royals should take a long walk with their father

Sibling rivalries wax and wane but Will Gore offers a solution to the House of Windsor

Sunday 08 January 2023 09:49 GMT
William and Harry are separated by literal and metaphorical oceans
William and Harry are separated by literal and metaphorical oceans (AP)

Poor Princes William and Harry. Two brothers, once so close, now torn apart by... well, that depends on whose narrative you choose to believe.

It sometimes feels as if everyone has to pick a side in affairs such as these. It’s rather like the breakdown of a celebrity marriage: are you with Jennifer or Brad; Angelina or Brad? And even in the most clear-cut of cases, you can always find contrary voices who will merrily place the blame on an innocent party.

I’d like to think there is actually a sizeable, silent majority who aren’t spending their hours getting frothy at the mouth about “Harry’s outrageous behaviour!” or about “William’s despicable conduct!”. There may even be a few people out there who couldn’t give two hoots about the whole saga. Perish the thought!

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