Peter Andre: Social media jumps to defence of singer after penis comment by Rebekah Vardy discussed in court

‘No one deserves that sort of violation at 4pm on a Tuesday afternoon,’ posted one person

Ellie Harrison
Wednesday 11 May 2022 08:22 BST
Rebekah Vardy's agent admits leaking stories about Coleen Rooney in messages

Many social media users have jumped to the defence of Peter Andre after comments that Rebekah Vardy previously made about his penis were discussed in court.

Vardy, a model and former I’m a Celebrity contestant who is married to Leicester City striker Jamie Vardy, gave evidence at the High Court on Tuesday 10 May in her libel battle against Coleen Rooney over accusations that she leaked “false stories” to the press.

In the context of exploring whether Vardy respects people’s privacy, Rooney’s barrister David Sherborne asked Vardy about an interview she gave to the News of the World in 2004 about an alleged sexual encounter with singer Andre, reading out the headline: “Peter’s hung like a small chipolata, shaved, slobbery, lasts five minutes.”

Asked whether giving the interview was respectful to Andre, Vardy said: “I was forced into a situation by my ex-husband to do this.”

She added: “It is something that I deeply regret.”

The barrister read excerpts from the article, which claimed Andre had managed “just five minutes of sex with Rebekah” and in which she said he had “the smallest trouser equipment I’ve ever seen”, comparing it to a “miniature chipolata”.

After reports emerged about Vardy’s comments in the press, many reacted on social media.

“Gotta feel for Peter Andre,” wrote one Twitter user. “No one deserves that sort of violation at 4pm on a Tuesday afternoon.”

“Imagine being Peter Andre, deciding to have an aul [sic] scroll on Twitter, only to discover you’re trending and then checking why. Is nothing sacred anymore?” added another.

A third posted: “A moment for Peter Andre minding his own business on a Tuesday afternoon before learning his penis was referred to in court as a ‘small chipolata’.”

“Our court’s currently being used as a playground for two millionaires and their lawyers to discuss personal details about and humiliate someone completely unrelated to the case,” said a fourth person. “Someone should be embarrassed about this pantomime, and it shouldn’t be Peter Andre.”


Rooney, 36, was dubbed “Wagatha Christie” after accusing Vardy, 40, of leaking “false stories” about her private life to the press in a viral social media post in 2019.

Vardy denies leaking stories and is suing Rooney for libel. Read live updates on the trial here.

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