Spider-Man actor Tom Holland reveals he's spending quarantine drunk thanks to Ryan Reynolds

Deadpool star sent him some ‘friendly neighbourhood Spider-Gin’

Annie Lord
Thursday 23 April 2020 09:27 BST
Tom Holland surprises Jimmy Kimmel's infant son

Spider-Man star Tom Holland has revealed he has spent most of his time in quarantine drunk.

The actor told Jimmy Kimmel that he’s living with his friends in London and, upon being asked if there were any issues about spending so much time with one another, Holland replied: “Not really ‘cause we’re all drunk all the time.”

During the remote interview, the 23-year-old said that Deadpool actor Reynolds sent him a case of gin to help him wile away his hours in lockdown.

Holland said he planned to stop drinking for a week until Reynolds sent him the gift with the note: “Some friendly neighbourhood Spider-Gin.”

The actor was also praised for transforming into Spider-Man for Kimmel’s children during the appearance on a lockdown version of his US chat show.

He dressed in red and spoke in character as Peter Parker to surprise Kimmel’s young son Billy on his third birthday.

“It’s Spidey!” exclaimed Kimmel’s daughter as the Billy looked on shyly.

Holland then led a rendition of “Happy Birthday” as the web-slinger.

The internet reacted accordingly, with one Twitter user writing: ”If Tom Holland singing happy birthday to Jimmy Kimmel’s son isn’t the cutest thing you’ve ever seen you’re lying.”

video-chatted with Robert Downey Jr while he was in the bath

Holland also updated listeners on both the third MCU Spider-Man film and the Uncharted movie which have both been delayed due to the spread of the coronavirus.

“I was in Berlin making a film called Uncharted with Mark Wahlberg. We were all ready to go. We went to set for day one shooting then we got sent home”, he said.

“So whether we shoot that movie first or we shoot Spider-Man first, I’m unclear. I don’t know. But both movies are being made and they’re both very strong and the scripts are fantastic, so whatever happens, happens.

“But I’m ready to play both. I mean, I played Spider-Man enough now, I could play him tomorrow. So ready to go.”

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